2 min

Culture Ukrainization on the Internet: how the number of search queries in Ukrainian has changed

Ukrainization on the Internet: how the number of search queries in Ukrainian has changed

Promodo agency analyzed Google queries of Ukrainians to find out whether the frequency of queries in russian has decreased in recent years. Find out more about how the dynamics have changed in recent years

11 Nov. 2023

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2 min

For refugees Which countries have the best conditions for Ukrainian refugees?

Which countries have the best conditions for Ukrainian refugees?

Millions of Ukrainians are still forced to live abroad, occasionally facing new challenges in their host countries. Find out which countries offer the best conditions for refugees from Ukraine and where it is easier to settle now

11 Nov. 2023

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2 min

War What assistance can military children receive in Ukraine: a complete list of benefits

What assistance can military children receive in Ukraine: a complete list of benefits

Ukraine provides a number of social benefits for children of military personnel and participants in armed conflicts to ensure their right to education, recreation and medical care. Find out more about the full list of benefits that children of military personnel can receive from the state

11 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Culture Eurovision Song Contest 2024: who made it to the longlist of national selection performers

Eurovision Song Contest 2024: who made it to the longlist of national selection performers

The list of participants of the National Selection for Eurovision 2024 has been announced. Find out more about who will compete for a place to represent Ukraine at the song contest and when the long-awaited event is scheduled

10 Nov. 2023

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1 min

War Ukraine has simplified the procedure for obtaining the status of a combatant

Ukraine has simplified the procedure for obtaining the status of a combatant

The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to simplify the procedure for obtaining the status of combatant. In particular, from now on, only one certificate is required to obtain the status. Read more about the changes in our article

10 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Transport Parking at airports in Poland: how much it costs and what you need to know about it

Parking at airports in Poland: how much it costs and what you need to know about it

When traveling to Poland, it is important to consider not only the beauty of its sights, but also some airport features, including parking. Find out more about what parking services are available at Polish airports

10 Nov. 2023

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3 min

Popular Impressive facts about Ukraine you haven't heard before

Impressive facts about Ukraine you haven't heard before

The history of Ukraine, its culture, society, cities, villages and nature are full of wonders and amazing facts that Ukrainians themselves sometimes do not know. Find out more interesting facts about Ukraine that will definitely surprise you

10 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Tourists in Ukraine Is the US cutting aid to Ukraine?

Is the US cutting aid to Ukraine?

Recent events have made the world talk about how the United States and Americans are tired of the war and are reducing their support for Ukraine. But is this really true? Learn more about how US citizens are helping Ukraine by personally traveling to the country during the war

10 Nov. 2023

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