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Popular Ukraine simplifies the departure of servicemen for treatment abroad: what has changed

Ukraine simplifies the departure of servicemen for treatment abroad: what has changed

The government has simplified the procedure for military personnel to travel abroad for treatment. In particular, medical institutions will now be able to independently determine the need to send servicemen for treatment. Find out more about what has changed

24 Apr. 2023

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Documents Residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland: what difficulties Ukrainians may face when applying for a document and methods of solving them

Residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland: what difficulties Ukrainians may face when applying for a document and methods of solving them

Poland allows Ukrainians to stay in the country for a fairly long period of time. To do this, you need to apply for a residence card - karta czasowego pobytu. Find out more about the difficulties you may face when applying for the document and how to avoid them

24 Apr. 2023

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War Which countries are profiting from the war in Ukraine?

Which countries are profiting from the war in Ukraine?

The outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine forced a large number of citizens to move to other countries and start a new life there. Despite the short-term challenges, there are a number of positive economic trends for the countries that have hosted Ukrainians. Here's how the war in Ukraine has affected their economies

24 Apr. 2023

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For refugees How to Extend Temporary Protection in Slovenia: Instructions for Ukrainians

How to Extend Temporary Protection in Slovenia: Instructions for Ukrainians

The Slovenian authorities have extended the validity of temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine who were forced to move to the country. Find out more about whether you need to extend your legal residence permit in Slovenia and other details

23 Apr. 2023

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Insurance Compensation for damaged property: how insurance companies pay out funds to victims of russian aggression

Compensation for damaged property: how insurance companies pay out funds to victims of russian aggression

For more than a year of war, russia has launched thousands of strikes on civilian infrastructure. The easiest way to protect yourself is through insurance. Find out more about how insurance companies operate during martial law

23 Apr. 2023

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Popular Ukrainians abroad can receive pensions via international transfer: detailed instructions

Ukrainians abroad can receive pensions via international transfer: detailed instructions

Citizens of Ukraine of retirement age who have taken refuge abroad can receive their pensions by international transfer. Find out more about how to do this

23 Apr. 2023

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Travel From mystical legends to underground tunnels: a guide to Lviv

From mystical legends to underground tunnels: a guide to Lviv

Lviv is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine. It is steeped in history and mysterious legends. Find out more about the places that will help you discover the true beauty of this city

22 Apr. 2023

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Documents Ukrainian passport service in Cologne: where to get a passport and exchange a driver's license

Ukrainian passport service in Cologne: where to get a passport and exchange a driver's license

From now on, Ukrainians staying in Cologne, Germany, will be able to apply for passport documents at the new Passport Service unit. Find out more about the opening hours and location of the new office

22 Apr. 2023

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