Turkey Immigration

Temporary residence permit in Turkey
Family reunion
Long-term residence permit
Areas where foreigners cannot obtain a temporary residence permit
Residence permit for humanitarian reasons
Residence permit for victims of human trafficking
Naturalization/acquisition of citizenship in Türkiye
Citizenship by marriage
Acquisition of citizenship by investment
Turkish citizenship for special merits
Useful tips from Ukrainian migrants in Turkey
Temporary residence permit in Turkey for Ukrainians
A temporary residence permit (İkamet Tezkeresi) is issued for a period of up to 5 years.
How to get a residence permit in Turkey?
A short-term residence permit is intended for those who plan to stay in Turkey for more than 90 days. Such a permit can be issued for a period of up to five years. There are several options for obtaining a residence permit in Turkey:
- Tourist residence permit. This permit is granted to foreigners who come to Turkey for tourism purposes. They must have confirmation of the length of their stay in the country and plan to return home before the permit expires.
- Residence permit for medical treatment. This permit is issued to foreigners who come to Turkey for medical treatment. It is necessary to provide invitations from medical institutions or hospitals where the treatment will be carried out.
- Residence permit for business purposes. Foreigners who plan to do business or have commercial ties in Turkey can obtain this permit. They must provide confirmation from the company or organization with which they cooperate or confirm their intention to conduct business.
- Residence permit for scientific research. This permit is granted to those who come to Turkey to conduct scientific research. You need to provide an authorization document or confirmation from organizations or institutions involved in scientific research.
- Residence permit for on-the-job training. This permit is issued to foreigners who plan to study in Turkey without stopping their work. Documents confirming the content, duration and place of study must be provided.
- Residence permit for exchange studies. International students coming as part of exchange programs such as Erasmus can obtain this permit. They must provide documents from the institutions that organize the program.
- Residence permit to attend Turkish language courses. This permit is issued to foreigners who come to study Turkish. It is necessary to register at an accredited educational institution and submit documents confirming this.
- Residence permit for study, research and internships in state institutions. Foreigners who plan to study, conduct research, or undertake internships in Turkish state institutions can obtain this permit. They must provide documents confirming the purpose of their stay.
- Residence permit for foreigners who have already completed higher education in Turkey. This permit is granted to foreigners who have completed their higher education in Turkey. They must apply for the permit within six months after graduation.
- Residence permit for owners of residential real estate in Turkey. This permit is granted to foreigners who own residential real estate in Turkey. They must submit documents confirming the ownership of the property.
- Residence permit for investors. This permit is intended for foreigners who plan to invest in the Turkish economy. The volume and amount of investments are determined by the Turkish government.
What documents are required to obtain a temporary residence permit in Turkey?
The main documents for applying for a temporary residence permit:
- A completed and signed application form.
- A photocopy of your passport or a document that replaces it (the original is required at the interview).
- Four photographs.
- An income statement.
- Documents on payment for accommodation.
- Medical insurance certificate.
- Document of registration at the address.
- A document confirming the place of residence.
How to obtain a residence permit in Turkey?
To obtain a short-term residence permit in Turkey, you need to follow a few basic steps:
- Collecting the necessary documents.
- After collecting all the necessary documents, you need to make an appointment for an interview at the local migration service department (Göz İdaresi).
- You submit your application to the Turkish Migration Department. During the interview, you may be asked additional questions and require additional documents depending on the type of your permit (tourism, medical treatment, business, etc.).
4. Payment of the administrative fee for applying for a residence permit. The amount of the fee depends on the type of permit and duration of stay.
5. If your application is approved, you will receive a residence permit card. The application processing time usually takes several weeks.
You have the possibility of family reunification under certain conditions. The right to family reunification generally extends to the nuclear family. This includes spouses, minors, and parents of minors. Other family members can receive a residence permit only in exceptional cases.
If you want to bring your family to Türkiye, you must have secure residence status and be able to maintain yourself and your family. Knowledge of Turkish can also be an advantage for you.
A family reunification visa is a permit granted to foreigner family members of a citizen of the Republic of Türkiye or spouses of a foreigner who has a valid work or residence permit in Türkiye.
How to apply for a family reunification visa?
Applications for this type of visa are submitted to Turkish foreign missions, and e-visas cannot be submitted online. After processing the necessary documents requested by the mission, you must also provide additional documents to the foreign mission during the interview.
Procedure for applying for and obtaining a family reunification visa
First, a foreigner fills out an application for a family reunification visa and then receives a time and place to meet with the representative office of the Republic of Türkiye to present the prepared documents. Submission of the necessary documents in writing on the day of reception and verbal declaration of the same information is one of the important criteria affecting the result of the applicant's visa. After a successful interview, the application documents are considered. Issues such as the reality of the marriage and the accuracy of the information provided are being investigated. If this process is positive and there are no contradictions or false statements in the information provided, the candidate's application will be approved. Thanks to the approved family reunification visa to Türkiye, the dependent family can live in Türkiye for 3 years.
What documents are required for a family reunification visa?
Below are the documents typically required of foreign nationals applying for a family reunification visa:
- A questionnaire filled out and signed by the visa applicant;
- Passport;
- 4 photos;
- Marriage certificate;
- In addition to the documents listed above, additional documents are required by a foreign mission:
- Birth certificate for the spouse;
- A document on the residence permit of a foreigner in Türkiye;
- If there was a previous marriage, the divorce decree, and its translation into Turkish;
- Death certificates, if any;
- Foreigners who wish to bring children with them must prepare a separate file for visa processing. It is necessary to provide a birth certificate for children or its copy for filing an application for children.
Other family members, such as adult siblings and grandparents, can only be reunited under "extraordinary hardship". The requirements for this are strict. For example, this group may include a severely dependent grandmother who lives alone in her homeland and cannot take care of herself.
How long does it take to process a family reunification visa?
In general, it takes approximately 5-30 business days to process a family reunification visa to Türkiye. This process may vary depending on the country of residence.
What is the cost of a family reunification visa to Türkiye?
The cost of a visa to Türkiye for family reunification may vary depending on the country you are a citizen of. However, the standard fee for this type of visa is $25-$80 on average.
Clauses 42 and 45 of Law No. 6458 "On Foreigners and International Protection" specify the long-term type of residence permit.
Which category of foreign citizens is issued a long-term residence permit?
- Foreigners who have been in Türkiye continuously for at least eight years or those who meet the conditions established by the Foreign Migration Policy Council, with the approval of the Ministry;
- Persons who have the status of refugees, forced migrants, and secondary protection, as well as holders of humanitarian residence permits, are denied the right to receive a long-term residence permit.
For what period can a long-term residence permit be issued?
A long-term residence permit does not provide for any time restrictions.
What are the requirements for obtaining a long-term residence permit?
- Residence in Türkiye continuously for at least eight years;
- Not receiving any social assistance for three years;
- Having a regular and sufficient income to ensure the living of oneself or one's family members;
- Having valid medical insurance;
- Posing no threat to the public order or public safety (with the exception of foreign nationals approved by the Migration Policy Board)
What rights does a long-term residence permit give?
Foreign citizens - holders of a long-term residence permit, subject to compliance with social security norms, are granted the rights granted to citizens of Türkiye, with the exception of the military service obligation, the right to vote and participate in voting, the right to work in the state structure, import motor vehicles as a holder of privileges and others special provisions of the law.
What are the reasons for refusal, cancellation, or non-extension of a long-term residence permit?
1. In the event of a serious threat to public order or public safety,
2. In the case of a long stay outside Türkiye for more than one year due to a reason not caused by treatment, education, or compulsory public service.
In such cases, a long-term residence permit is canceled.
The procedure for canceling a long-term residence permit is carried out in the governorate.
Documents required for obtaining a long-term residence permit:
- Application form for a residence permit;
- The original and a copy of the passport or a document replacing the passport;
- Four photos;
- A copy of the previous residence permit document (the original document must be with you on the day of the interview);
- The original certificate on the absence of social assistance during the last three years, certified by electronic/regular signature and seal/stamp
- (The document can be obtained from the Funds of Social Mutual Assistance and Support at governorates/district administrations);
- The original document on the presence of constant and sufficient income during the term of residence;
- Certificate on the presence (absence) of criminal records (can be obtained at authorized bodies of your country and in the justice bodies of Türkiye);
- Documents / receipts of payment for accommodation;
- Real health insurance;
- A document indicating that the foreigner is registered in the address registration system;
- A document certifying the place of actual residence.
Documents to be submitted for children:
- Birth Certificate;
- if one of the parents is absent when applying for a residence permit, it is necessary to provide a certified written consent of the second parent (in case of the death of one of the spouses, the other one provides a death certificate);
- in case of divorce, a certified document on custody of the child is required;
- If the applicant is under 18 years of age, a written consent from a parent or legal representative abroad and a written commitment from a natural or legal person in Türkiye are required.
From July 1, 2022, the Turkish government increased the list of areas in which temporary residence permits will not be issued to foreigners who rent housing and also claim refugee status (except in cases of family reunification).
The complete list of closed neighborhoods for registration can be viewed at the link.
The list included the most Russian-speaking districts of Antalya - Liman, Hurma, and Sarisu. In Alanya, Kargicak, Mahmutlar, Kestel and Avsallar are closed.
In Izmir - Bornova, Buca, Konak, Karabalar, Torbali.
From July 1, the following will not be able to obtain a residence permit in the "closed" areas:
1. Persons who receive a residence permit in Türkiye for the first time on the basis of renting an apartment;
2. Persons who re-obtain a residence permit in Türkiye, but at the same time did not previously live in this "closed" area.
The following will be able to obtain a residence permit in the "closed" areas after July 1:
1. Owners of real estate in Türkiye; Persons who receive secondary GNP in a "closed" district, if they previously lived in the same apartment;
2. Persons who receive secondary residence permit in a "closed" district and at the same time change their address within the same district;
3. Persons who managed to conclude and notarize a lease agreement in a "closed" area by July 1, 2022.
Who is issued a residence permit for humanitarian reasons?
You can apply for this residence permit if you are in Türkiye without a valid visa or residence permit, but no deportation decision has been taken against you, you are awaiting deportation, or you cannot return to your country of residence due to extraordinary reasons.
For how long can a residence permit be issued for humanitarian reasons?
This residence permit is issued with the approval of the ministry in the governorate for a period of no more than one year.
What are the requirements for obtaining a permit for humanitarian reasons?
In order to obtain a residence permit for humanitarian reasons, it is not necessary to comply with the conditions required for the other types of residence.
Foreign citizens must enter their residential address in the registration system no later than twenty working days from the date of issuance of the humanitarian residence permit.
In case of compliance with the conditions necessary for obtaining other types of residence, with the exception of long-term permit, holders of a humanitarian residence permit can apply for one of them.
Such a residence permit is issued to foreign citizens who have become victims of human trafficking or are strongly suspected of being potential victims.
For what period can a residence permit be issued to victims of human trafficking?
This certificate is valid for thirty days. If necessary, this residence permit can be extended for a period not exceeding six months for each extension. Meanwhile, the total extension period should not exceed 3 years.
Are there any requirements for obtaining a residence permit for victims of human trafficking?
In order to obtain a residence permit, victims of human trafficking do not need to comply with the conditions required to apply for other types of residence.
A foreign citizen has the right to submit an application for naturalization subject to the following conditions:
- The applicant must be of legal age as defined by the law of the applicant's country of origin/Turkish law (in the case of stateless persons);
- Continuous residence in Turkish territory on legal grounds (with a resident card) during the five-year period immediately preceding the submission of the application;
- Demonstration of the intention to continue living in Türkiye;
- Confirmation of the candidate's reliability and absence of risks to the health of the population of the host country;
- Sufficient command of the Turkish language;
- Sufficient income/savings to meet own needs/needs of any dependent (if any) during the period of residence in the territory of the potential new homeland;
- No threat to national security/public order from the candidate.
Fulfillment of such conditions does not give a foreign citizen an absolute right to obtain Turkish citizenship.
What documents are required to obtain Turkish citizenship?
The candidate must provide the following basic documentation:
- Application form;
- Biometric passport photos;
- Current passport/identity document confirming nationality (a notarized Turkish translation must be attached to the submitted document);
- Birth Certificate. If the birth certificate does not indicate the exact day and month of birth, it may be necessary to contact the authorities of the country of origin to issue a document confirming such features;
- Resident card (residence permit);
- Certificate of no criminal record;
- A document confirming the address (lease agreement, utility bills, bank statement, etc.);
- Receipt of payment of the registration fee.
Nowadays, obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage requires a lot more documents, and more importantly, proof of being married to a Turkish citizen for at least a 3-year period. In addition, compliance with the following criteria should be ensured:
- A foreigner and a Turkish spouse must live together as one family;
- One should refrain from actions that violate the marriage union;
- The candidate must not threaten Turkish national security and public order/exhibit unethical behavior;
- If one of the partners dies after the candidate submits the application, the latter is subject to review and approval (subject to the conditions described above). If you obtain Turkish citizenship through marriage and then divorce, the newly acquired citizenship status cannot be revoked. However, if the authorities recognize the family union as fictitious, it will be annulled.
Marriage is allowed both on Turkish territory and outside the state. In the latter case, the local mission (embassy/consulate) of the potential new homeland should be informed about the marriage. After the marriage, the candidate will receive a visa with a one-year period of validity, which allows them to live and work in Turkish territory, and is subject to a periodical extension.
Obtaining a Turkish passport through marriage is a difficult process, and a positive result is not guaranteed. First, there are many requirements that must be met. Second, the final decision remains at the discretion of the Turkish authorities.
Who can get Turkish citizenship by investment?
A foreigner who has not been convicted, has not violated Turkish immigration laws and has fulfilled the terms of the program can obtain Turkish citizenship.
Citizens of Armenia, Cuba, Nigeria, North Korea and Syria cannot participate in the program.
Turkish citizenship is granted to the investor's wife and children under 18 years of age. Parents of spouses and adult children can obtain a residence permit in Türkiye. The fee for a residence permit is USD 5,000 per person.
If the adult children and parents of the investor have their own sources of income, they cannot be included in the application. To obtain citizenship, they participate in the program as separate main applicants and fulfill the conditions of investment.
How to get Turkish citizenship by investment?
Turkish citizenship can be obtained within three to six months. Turkish citizenship is in demand among foreigners due to investments. This is how up to half of all applicants receive a Turkish passport. The applicant can choose any of the six investment options.
1. Purchase of real estate worth 400,000 dollars. This is the easiest and most popular investment option when applying. You can buy any real estate: apartment, house, commercial/industrial premises and land.
From January 1, 2023, the minimum value of one real estate object purchased under a notarial contract shall be $ 400 thousand (previously it was not necessary to purchase one object for the entire amount. It was possible to purchase several properties with a total value of more than $ 400,000. The only condition: no more than two months should pass between transactions). Only one person can be the owner of each property.
A profitable investment option in Turkey is the purchase of business class apartments from a reliable international developer ANTA Group, which has been working in the real estate market for more than 10 years. The company creates infrastructure all over the world: in Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine and the UK.
In March 2021, the Turkish government amended the rules for real estate transactions between foreigners. The object can be used to participate in the citizenship program only once. If an investor bought an apartment and then sold it to another foreign citizen, the latter will not be able to obtain citizenship through the purchase of real estate. The property can no longer be sold to the previous owner - a Turkish company or citizen. If an investor buys a home from a developer and then sells it back to the developer, the grounds for obtaining Turkish citizenship will be reviewed. The exception is the return of real estate to the former owner by a court decision.
2. Deposit in a bank of USD 500,000 or more. You can save money in any currency accepted by a Turkish bank.
3. Purchase of national securities from USD 500,000: government bonds and bills, as well as shares of investment funds specializing in real estate or venture capital investments.
4. Purchase of government bonds in the amount of USD 500,000: with an obligation to keep the assets for three years.
5. Purchase of shares of investment funds worth 500,000 US dollars, specializing in real estate or venture capital investments, with an obligation to keep the assets for three years.
6. Start a business with a capital of 500,000 USD or create at least 50 jobs.
Investments in Turkish citizenship are returnable. Three years after obtaining citizenship, you can sell purchased securities or real estate or close the deposit. With luck, the investment will be profitable.
Stages of obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment
Obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment takes place in several stages.
1. Fulfilling the requirements of the program: searching for and buying real estate, starting a business, buying securities or opening a deposit. To do this, you will also need to open a bank account and get a taxpayer number.
2. Collection of necessary documents. In addition to standard documents, such as an application form, a copy of your passport, proof of payment of the state tax, and photos, you will need:
- police clearance certificate;
- notarized permission to process the applicant's data by local officials. Thanks to this, government agencies will have access to information about your bank accounts, assets, and real estate;
- documents confirming the investment: for example, a certificate of conformity from the cadastral service, a market assessment report, a statement from a bank or investment fund, founding documents.
All foreign documents must be translated into Turkish, notarized and apostilled.
3. Obtaining a short-term residence permit. This document is issued without any problems. It is enough to indicate the goal - to obtain investment citizenship.
4. Registration of citizenship at the Turkish civil registry office or at an embassy abroad. It is necessary to add a copy of the residence permit and submit biometric data to the already collected package of documents. The application is considered within three months. During this time, the documents are being studied by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Türkiye, and the decision to grant citizenship will be signed by the president.
5. Get a Turkish passport. The applicant arrives in Türkiye and receives a passport. If this is not possible, the documents can be obtained by a lawyer.
A passport of Türkiye for special merits can be received by:
- highly qualified specialists;
- scientists and researchers;
- athletes;
- cultural figures.
Applicants for citizenship first receive a turquoise card, which is similar to a residence permit. Initially, it will be issued for three years. If during this time the foreigner shows himself/herself from a good side, i.e. not committing offenses, he/she will be able to get an indefinite turquoise card.
In some cases, the cardholder can apply for a passport, for example, if he/she has lived in the country for five years.
For more information on obtaining the Turquoise card, please visit the site.
1. Choose a non-touristy time: from March to May or from September to December. Try to bargain for accommodation.
2. Knowing some basic Turkish phrases can greatly improve communication and make everyday interactions smoother. First of all, Istanbul and other major cities in Turkey are multinational metropolises. Therefore, in addition to Turkish, many people speak English.
3. The best way to save money on public transportation is to buy a city card, such as Ankarakart. These cards serve as reusable tickets for subways, buses, trams, and ferries.
4. Download BiTaxi to make sure that taxis do not overcharge you. The BiTaxi app is popular in Turkey.
5. Turkey has free preschool and school education for citizens and residents. There are also private kindergartens and schools, with prices starting at $3000. School education starts at the age of 6 and lasts 12 years.
6. University education is paid, but the prices are several times lower than in Europe. The country has a scholarship program called Türkiye Bursları, which is open to both citizens and residents. At the same time, Turkish diplomas are recognized in European countries.