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30 Oct. 2022


Payments for IDPs are delayed: what to do and where to apply

Payments for IDPs are delayed: what to do and where to apply

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Help our volunteers who support Ukraine and all foreigners in the country 24/7

The Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories explained what to do when payments to internally displaced persons (IDPs) are delayed.

Payments to internally displaced persons are calculated three times a month: on the 3rd, 12th or 23rd. Instead, the payment itself occurs once a month.

If there are delays and payments do not arrive for more than a month, these are technical problems that should be eliminated as soon as possible.

What to do if IDP payments are delayed?

Citizens should contact the social security authority at the place of actual stay and find out the reason. They are obliged to accept you there - regardless of where you are registered.

Where else can you turn?

In addition to social security agencies, citizens have the opportunity to apply to:

• Center for the provision of administrative services;

• Ministry of Reintegration on crisis hotline numbers 15-48;

• hotline of the Office of the Commissioner for IDPs +38 (066) 813-62-39.

In addition, you can send messages to messengers and comments under posts on the official pages of departments in social networks.

The head of the Ministry of Reintegration Iryna Vereshchuk emphasized that the authorities respond to any format of appeals. A whole group works in the Government: the Ministry of Social Policy, the Ministry of Digital Affairs, the Ministry of Reintegration, which solves such problems.

"Many people have already been able to solve the problem. So, please contact us - we will help! Payments from the state will be calculated and will reach the recipients", - she said.

We will remind you! Internally displaced persons who evacuated to Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Sumy or Khmelnytskyi regions can receive cash assistance in the amount of UAH 6,600. For more information on how to apply, follow the link.