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01 Jun. 2024


Special car stickers in Poland: what is known about the new requirements?

Special car stickers in Poland: what is known about the new requirements?

In Poland, drivers will have to buy new special car stickers. Find out who is affected by the new rules, what information should be on the stickers, and why the Polish government has established these requirements

Issuing a Green Card policy for traveling abroad by car
Issuing a Green Card policy for traveling abroad by car

Poland has introduced new requirements for owners of cars with gas installations. They are now required to place special information stickers with detailed data in their vehicles. This is reported by inpoland.net.pl.

Therefore, owners of cars with gas installations, including Ukrainian drivers, should pay attention to these changes and ensure that their vehicles meet the new requirements.

Effective date of the amendments

The amendments came into force on May 17, 2024, in accordance with a resolution of the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure adopted in September 2023. The resolution regulates the installation of additional gas supply systems on vehicles.

Content of information stickers

The stickers must contain the following information:

– Gas installation certificate number.

– Information about the company or factory that performed the installation.

– Serial number of the certificate extract.

The stickers must be visible, resistant to external influences and clearly legible.

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Why are these innovations necessary?

The new requirements apply primarily to drivers in Poland, as this country is the European leader in the number of gas-fueled vehicles. According to experts, there are more than 3 million such vehicles on Polish roads.

The introduced requirements are aimed at increasing the level of safety and transparency in the country's automotive market. The introduction of labeling of gas installations will allow controlling their origin, technical condition and compliance with standards. This will provide an additional level of safety for drivers and passengers, as well as help reduce fraud in the market.

Remember! In order to drive freely in Poland and 48 other countries of the world in a car with Ukrainian registration, the driver must have a Green Card insurance policy. The absence or delay of insurance is fraught not only with fines that are several dozen times higher than the cost of the insurance policy for a year, but also with the seizure of the car and deportation from the country with a subsequent entry ban. You can take out insurance for the required period on our website. Read more about the amount of fines in Europe for not having a Green Card here.

We remind you! The Polish Sejm has approved amendments to the law on assistance to refugees from Ukraine. Among other things, they provide for changes in the rules for extending temporary protection. Read what rules will apply and how Ukrainians can extend their protection and stay in Poland in our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Darya Rogova is the head of the Visit Ukraine insurance department

A Green Card is not only a mandatory document for traveling abroad by car, but also a guarantee of financial security and safety for the driver and passengers. To avoid risks and fines, take out international insurance on the Visit Ukraine portal. We cooperate only with reliable insurance agents.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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