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20 Aug. 2024


Ukraine on the way to independence for centuries: facts for everyone who wants to visit the unbreakable state

Ukraine on the way to independence for centuries: facts for everyone who wants to visit the unbreakable state

Ukraine and Ukrainians are now known all over the world. The country's culture is rich and its history is legendary. Find out incredible facts about Ukraine - something everyone should know before traveling through the indomitable country.

Tours to unbreakable Ukraine. Find out more on the website
Tours to unbreakable Ukraine. Find out more on the website

Famous, legendary, unbreakable... All these words are about Ukraine, about its strength, will to win, defiance and independence. The history of Ukraine is rich in heroic and tragic pages, stretches across centuries, and keeps legends and heroes in its memory. Read more about what you need to know about the country before traveling in this article.

Legendary Ukrainians: what you should know

1. Ukrainians are the inventors of the airplane, which for 30 years was the largest and most powerful in the world. The legendary Mriya, created in 1988 by the Kyiv Antonov Design Bureau, is now located in Gostomel, where anyone can see the plane.

2. Ukrainians are a heroic people who always stand together. Two years have passed since the horrific footage in Bucha. NGOs and charities, local residents and IDPs, Ukrainians from different regions - all these people came to the de-occupied territory to restore order and peace. Nowadays, there is almost nothing on Yabluneva Street that reminds us of the horror that took place not so long ago.

3. Ukrainians are a people with a rich mythology and culture. In Chernihiv, they tell the legend of the golden treasure of Ivan Mazepa, one of the most famous hetmans in Ukrainian history. It is said that the treasure is hidden in the building of the regimental office on the Val, and the ghost of Motria, who loved Mazepa during his lifetime, often walks around the building.

4. Ukrainians are a people with an ancient history. Chernihiv was first mentioned in chronicles in 907, when Prince Oleh marched on Constantinople, won the war, and signed a peace treaty, which first mentioned the most famous northern city of Ukraine.

You can find out more on a tour of Kyiv and Chernihiv by Visit Ukraine.

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The legendary capital of Ukraine is open to everyone

1. Kyiv has long been the center and capital of Ukraine, no matter what its name. Kyiv was the center of the settlement of the Poles, later the capital of Kievan Rus, in the 17th century - of the Hetmanate, and finally - of Independent Ukraine

2. The first built Kyiv existed for 7 centuries. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, it was founded in the 5th century and destroyed in 1240 during the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

3. It was in Kyiv that the Third Universal of the Ukrainian Central Rada was proclaimed, which in 1917 for the first time! proclaimed the independence of the Ukrainian state.

4. Kyiv is also the largest city in Ukraine. Spread over mountains and valleys, on the two banks of the Dnipro River, it welcomes Ukrainians and foreign visitors, students and workers, pilgrims and believers who have been coming to the Kyiv Cave Monastery for several centuries.

You can learn about this and more during the Kyiv Invincible tour, where you can travel along Khreshchatyk, visit Independence Square, relax in Mariinsky Park, and see the pedestal of the Baptist of Rus, Volodymyr the Great.

In 2022, war came to Ukraine. Every region, every city, every Ukrainian was affected. The invaders stormed in from the east, south, and north and captured a large part of the Kyiv region. Gostomel, Bucha, Irpin... The cities were destroyed, the front line swept through them. Now these are legendary cities known all over the world. You can see them, as well as the capital of Ukraine, during the Kyiv + Escorted Tour of the De-occupied Cities tour .

Gostomel, Irpin, Bucha - legends of the Russian-Ukrainian war who survived the struggle for independence

Romanivka is a village in the Kyiv region, where the front line passed in March 2022. The crossing was blown up here, which will forever remain in historical photos, and residents were forced to evacuate the occupied territory on foot.

Irpin is a military facility where defense positions are still located. Here you can also see the cemetery of equipment that was destroyed during the hostilities.

Bucha is a city that died and was reborn again. It was here that the photographer took the horrific images after the de-occupation. It is here that the mass grave where Ukrainians killed during the defense and occupation are buried. May the memory of the heroism of the Ukrainian people in the struggle for independence be eternal!

Experience Ukrainian history on a tour of the de-occupied cities by Visit Ukraine. You will be able to see what the struggle for independence was like with your own eyes.

Visit Ukraine is an organiser of tours around Ukraine. 800 tours. Choose yours on the website.

Ukraine in World War II - the struggle for independence

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Kyiv is impressive. It takes visitors half a century into the past and shows the struggle of Ukrainians for their freedom from the Nazi invaders.

What do we know about it?

1. The war for Ukraine began in 1938, when Hungarian troops seized Carpathian Ukraine as a result of the Munich Agreement.

2. During the war, rivers of blood were shed-the Soviet Union conscripted young men who had just turned 16 or 17 years old. The chances of survival for yesterday's schoolchildren were minimal...

3. The total demographic loss of Ukraine is at least 14 million citizens.

4. Ukraine also lost industrial enterprises - they were evacuated to the East, and then there was no way to return to their hometowns.

Touch the history by visiting the museum - honor the memory of those who twice passed through the front line and won the freedom of our country.

More tours of unbreakable Ukraine can be found here.

To organize your trip and make it convenient for you, please contact our specialists (Telegram | WhatsApp). We will be happy to help you touch the history of Ukraine - its path to independence.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

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asked questions
What city is the capital of Ukraine?
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
Which areas of Kyiv region are defined as de-occupied?
Where is the largest Ukrainian aircraft located?
Where was the horrific footage shot after the liberation of the Kyiv region from the occupying forces?
What places are worth visiting in Kyiv?

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