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27 Aug. 2022


How can Ukrainians travel abroad with a child? Rules and prohibitions

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How can Ukrainians travel abroad with a child? Rules and prohibitions

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On June 10, 2022 the government of Ukraine amended the resolution on the rules of crossing the state border. So how to go abroad with children now?

During martial law in Ukraine, children can travel abroad with a parent without the notarial consent of the other. And also accompanied by a grandparent, adult sister or brother, stepfather or stepmother, with a document confirming the parental relationship.

Also other adult persons may accompany the child when he/she travels abroad. But only if the guardianship authority has a notarized statement from one of the parents or a notarized letter of consent from both parents of the child.

Can one of the parents forbid the child to travel abroad?

Yes, but only in the manner prescribed by law. It is not possible to verbally forbid the child to travel abroad.

If one of the parents is against their child leaving the country you have to apply in writing to the Administration of the State Border Service. It must be accompanied by a notarized letter of objection of one of the parents to the departure of the child.

If there are justified reasons why the departure of the child abroad may harm him/her, the authorized judicial authorities may give orders to the State Border Service to prohibit the departure of certain persons.

That is, if the State Border Guard Service receives an order to prohibit a certain person (child) from leaving Ukraine, the data about him/her is entered into the appropriate databases. If a person who is banned from crossing the border tries to do so, the State Border Service may take measures provided for by the law and not to let the child cross the border.

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