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Documents SE Document temporarily does not issue ready-made documents abroad: details

SE Document temporarily does not issue ready-made documents abroad: details

The State Enterprise "Document" has temporarily suspended the issuance of ready-made documents in its foreign offices. Find out more about the reasons for this and what services you can get

23 Apr. 2024

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Travel Where to go for the May holidays in 2024? The most interesting tours in Ukraine

Where to go for the May holidays in 2024? The most interesting tours in Ukraine

If you still don't know where to go for the May holidays, we have a selection of exciting destinations for you! Find out more about where to go for May holidays 2024 in Ukraine

23 Apr. 2024

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For refugees Norway proposes to extend collective protection for Ukrainians from 3 to 5 years: details

Norway proposes to extend collective protection for Ukrainians from 3 to 5 years: details

Norway is considering a significant extension of the period of collective protection for Ukrainian citizens. This initiative comes in response to the need for long-term solutions to protect refugees. Learn more about the extension of legal stay in the country

23 Apr. 2024

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Popular Kyiv residents propose to create a park on Mount Shchekavytsia: what is special about this place?

Kyiv residents propose to create a park on Mount Shchekavytsia: what is special about this place?

Ukrainians started talking about Kyiv's Mount Shchekavytsia two years ago, when putin was actively threatening with nuclear weapons. And while the proposal for the mountain was quite ironic and daring at the time, today Kyiv residents are proposing to create a public garden on this iconic location. Let's find out what is so unusual about Shchekavytsia and what events this place is associated with

23 Apr. 2024

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Insurance War risk insurance in Ukraine: maximum protection against unforeseen situations

War risk insurance in Ukraine: maximum protection against unforeseen situations

Responsible attitude and reliable protection are the key to a safe stay in Ukraine. Do not neglect your own life and health and take out insurance with maximum coverage on the Visit Ukraine portal. Read this article to find out what we offer and how to take out insurance covering active and passive war risks

23 Apr. 2024

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For refugees Consular services abroad are no longer available to Ukrainian men: details

Consular services abroad are no longer available to Ukrainian men: details

Consular services for Ukrainian men of conscription age have been suspended abroad since Tuesday, 23 April. Find out what the reason is and how the Foreign Ministry explains it

23 Apr. 2024

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War They will be able to terminate the contract only after six months: changes are also expected for foreigners in the Armed Forces

They will be able to terminate the contract only after six months: changes are also expected for foreigners in the Armed Forces

The new mobilisation law, which will come into force in Ukraine as early as May 2024, includes changes for foreign volunteers. Find out exactly what they are about

22 Apr. 2024

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For refugees Some areas of Germany no longer want to accept Ukrainians: what is the reason?

Some areas of Germany no longer want to accept Ukrainians: what is the reason?

Germany continues to face a high inflow of migrants. This unforeseen population growth creates significant difficulties for local authorities. Thus, the integration of all newcomers is becoming increasingly problematic, leading to the refusal to accept new refugees, including Ukrainians. Find out what the government offers

22 Apr. 2024

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