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Finance From now on, sole proprietors can submit reports in the tax application: how to do it

From now on, sole proprietors can submit reports in the tax application: how to do it

The tax app has made it much more convenient for individual entrepreneurs to file their reports. This opens up new opportunities for sole proprietors looking for a quick and efficient way to fulfill their tax obligations. Learn more about how to manage your finances effectively

20 Apr. 2024

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2 min

Popular Chocolate-flavored or even alcoholic flavors: 9 best Ukrainian coffee brands

Chocolate-flavored or even alcoholic flavors: 9 best Ukrainian coffee brands

There are many variations in the world of coffee that can impress even the most demanding gourmets. Ukrainian coffee brands are no exception to this rule, offering exquisite flavors and aromas that are worth trying. Find out about the best Ukrainian coffee brands that are distinguished not only by their quality but also by their unique approach to combining varieties

20 Apr. 2024

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Transport Fines for drivers in Moldova: a note for those planning a trip abroad

Fines for drivers in Moldova: a note for those planning a trip abroad

When planning a trip abroad by car, it is important to familiarize yourself with the differences in traffic rules to prevent critical situations on the road and avoid additional costs. Here are the main features of traffic rules and fines that drivers in Moldova face

20 Apr. 2024

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Popular Volunteer Appreciation Day: who they are and how they help

Volunteer Appreciation Day: who they are and how they help

Volunteers are selfless people, many of whom have left their mundane professions to support the struggle for a peaceful future. Their actions inspire and remind us that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit is capable of feats of heroism for the sake of higher ideals and the common good. Find out why Ukraine is considered one of the most charitable countries in the world and how you can get involved in volunteering yourself

20 Apr. 2024

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3 min

Travel Extreme tours in Ukraine: where to find and what to do?

Extreme tours in Ukraine: where to find and what to do?

An extreme holiday is not just a way to escape from your daily routine, but also an opportunity to test your boundaries, experience adrenaline and renew your mental strength. From rock climbing on inaccessible peaks to rafting on turbulent rivers, extreme recreation options can satisfy any desire. Find out what types of extreme adventures are considered the most popular in Ukraine

19 Apr. 2024

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War Ukrainian Armed Forces shoot down russian Tu-22M3 bomber for the first time: what destroyed the aircraft

Ukrainian Armed Forces shoot down russian Tu-22M3 bomber for the first time: what destroyed the aircraft

On Friday, a russian bomber went down more than 300 kilometres from the Ukrainian border. Later it became known that Ukraine was behind the destruction of the aircraft. Find out how the Ukrainian armed forces managed to do it

19 Apr. 2024

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1 min

Documents Is it possible to get to Poland without a foreign passport: the answer of the State Border Guard Service

Is it possible to get to Poland without a foreign passport: the answer of the State Border Guard Service

Since the start of the full-scale invasion, Poland has made exceptions for certain groups of Ukrainians, allowing them to cross the border with only an internal passport. However, the situation has now changed somewhat. Find out more about whether Ukrainian citizens can enter Poland without a foreign passport in 2024

19 Apr. 2024

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Events Significant price increase: how much will the Easter basket cost this year?

Significant price increase: how much will the Easter basket cost this year?

This year, the cost of the Easter basket has increased significantly compared to last year. According to the latest data, prices for basic products have jumped by 17.6%. Find out in more detail how much money you need to allocate to put together a traditional Easter basket

19 Apr. 2024

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