2 min

Transport How to buy a car in the Czech Republic: Everything you need to know about the Czech car market

How to buy a car in the Czech Republic: Everything you need to know about the Czech car market

The Czech Republic has a fairly affordable car market, so almost anyone can buy a car there. However, the registration process and other details may have their own nuances. Find out what documents you need to buy a car and where to look for them

23 Mar. 2024

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2 min

War The Dnipro hydroelectric power station and other energy facilities were hit: what is known about another russian missile attack on Ukraine

The Dnipro hydroelectric power station and other energy facilities were hit: what is known about another russian missile attack on Ukraine

The occupation army of russia has launched a new large-scale missile attack on Ukrainian cities. Due to the destruction of the attack's energy facilities, the country experienced light outages. Find out how massive the shelling was and its consequences

22 Mar. 2024

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2 min

War The Office of the Register of Damages Caused by russian aggression was opened in the capital: how it will work

The Office of the Register of Damages Caused by russian aggression was opened in the capital: how it will work

The Office of the Register of Damages, established in the capital, marks an important step towards ensuring justice and compensation for victims of the russian federation. Find out more about who can apply and claim compensation

22 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Popular For the first time in two years, a senior NATO official has come to Ukraine: what is the purpose of the visit?

For the first time in two years, a senior NATO official has come to Ukraine: what is the purpose of the visit?

The head of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer, has travelled to Ukraine for the first time in two years. During his visit, he took part in the Kiev Security Forum and made several important statements. Find out what was memorable about the visit of the alliance military commander

22 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Documents Denmark extends residence permits for refugees, but not all: who lost temporary protection?

Denmark extends residence permits for refugees, but not all: who lost temporary protection?

The Danish authorities have extended residence permits for Ukrainian refugees for another year. However, some people have lost their asylum in the country. Find out more about which group of people did not have their protection extended and how to renew it

22 Mar. 2024

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3 min

Entry rules Entry ban to Ukraine: what are the reasons and how to remove it?

Entry ban to Ukraine: what are the reasons and how to remove it?

A foreigner may not be allowed to enter the territory of Ukraine and a previously obtained visa may be canceled. Find out what to do in such cases, how to appeal the ban, and why you may be denied entry to Ukraine

22 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Events Why do Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Easter on different dates and how do their traditions differ?

Why do Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Easter on different dates and how do their traditions differ?

Easter is the biggest holiday in the church calendar of Western and Eastern rite Christians. However, Orthodox and Catholics have different traditions of celebration. Find out more about the main differences and why Easter is celebrated on different dates

22 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Popular Google will launch training for Ukrainian business: when it starts and what the essence of the programmes is

Google will launch training for Ukrainian business: when it starts and what the essence of the programmes is

Ukrainian entrepreneurs will be able to take advantage of business training programmes from Google. In total, the company plans to launch trainings in three areas. Find out what exactly they are about and where to register

21 Mar. 2024

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