3 min

Transport International trains to and from Ukraine: timetable, prices, countries of connection

International trains to and from Ukraine: timetable, prices, countries of connection

Traveling to and from Ukraine is difficult due to the closed airspace, and therefore you can only cross the border by land. Here is a detailed information about the trains that run between Ukraine and European countries, which can help you get to your destination

27 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Travel Do I need a power of attorney for my car to travel abroad?

Do I need a power of attorney for my car to travel abroad?

Before travelling abroad by car, drivers have a question: what documents do they need? However, when the car belongs to another person, the list of papers increases. Find out whether a power of attorney is necessary in such a situation and what can be used to replace this document

26 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Education New rules for Ukrainian children in Czech schools: what will change

New rules for Ukrainian children in Czech schools: what will change

Children of Ukrainian refugees have the right to study in Czech schools. However, the Czech government has announced the introduction of new rules. Find out more about what will change and who will be affected by the updates

26 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Popular Ukraine - Iceland: where to watch and when the match for a ticket to Euro 2024 starts

Ukraine - Iceland: where to watch and when the match for a ticket to Euro 2024 starts

Today, on 26 March, the Ukrainian football team will play a decisive game for the 2024 European Championship, which will take place this summer in Germany. Find out what chances Serhii Rebrov's team have and why the game is expected to be difficult

26 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Finance Ukrainians in six regions will receive financial assistance: how to get UAH 10,800

Ukrainians in six regions will receive financial assistance: how to get UAH 10,800

Citizens of Ukraine will be able to apply for financial support. Those who meet the established criteria can receive the amount of UAH 10,800. Find out more about who can receive the funds and how to register

26 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Travel An unforgettable trip to the Ukrainian Carpathians: 5 days of real recreation in the mountains

An unforgettable trip to the Ukrainian Carpathians: 5 days of real recreation in the mountains

Traveling to the western regions of Ukraine in the spring is a great opportunity to relax and recuperate while saving a lot of money, as the winter season is already over. We are telling you about an incredible 5-day tour to the Carpathians that will allow you to breathe in and completely reboot

26 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Popular Ukraine will become one of the main partners of the US in case of World War III: American poll

Ukraine will become one of the main partners of the US in case of World War III: American poll

YouGov has conducted a survey among US citizens on the possibility of a global war and the likely course of events. Find out more about when World War III will begin and who, besides Ukraine, could become a good ally in the opinion of Americans

26 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Finance Ukrainian male refugees may be deprived of benefits in Germany: what is known

Ukrainian male refugees may be deprived of benefits in Germany: what is known

Men of military age who left the country after February 24, 2022, may be subject to termination of social support payments in Germany. Find out more about who may be affected by the changes

25 Mar. 2024

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