2 min

Health What medicines can be imported to Poland and in what quantity?

What medicines can be imported to Poland and in what quantity?

When importing medicines to Poland, it is important to take into account the legislation governing the relevant issue. According to Polish regulations, Ukrainians are allowed to import medicines for their own needs, but their types and quantity are limited. Find out more about what medicines you can take with you from Ukraine to Poland

04 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Popular How Poles' attitudes toward Ukrainian refugees have changed: a new poll

How Poles' attitudes toward Ukrainian refugees have changed: a new poll

Public attitudes in Poland towards refugees from Ukraine are changing. Find out in more detail how many Poles maintain a positive attitude towards Ukrainians, and which part of the population, on the contrary, has fears and for what reasons

04 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Finance Corruption Perceptions Index: Ukraine showed one of the best results in 2023

Corruption Perceptions Index: Ukraine showed one of the best results in 2023

The Corruption Perceptions Index for 2023 shows significant progress in Ukraine's fight against the social phenomenon of corruption. The three-point increase was one of the highest in the world. Find out more about Ukraine's ranking and which countries are outsiders in the ranking

04 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Finance Big Mac Index: Ukrainian hryvnia is not undervalued by almost 50% against the dollar

Big Mac Index: Ukrainian hryvnia is not undervalued by almost 50% against the dollar

The Big Mac index, which is a measure of currency undervaluation, shows that the Ukrainian hryvnia is undervalued by almost 50% against the dollar. Find out more about what this level of undervaluation of the hryvnia in the international currency market indicates

04 Feb. 2024

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2 min

For refugees Top countries where Ukrainian refugees from Poland move to

Top countries where Ukrainian refugees from Poland move to

In recent months, the outflow of Ukrainians from Poland to other European countries has increased. Find out more about which countries Ukrainian citizens choose instead of Poland and where else the outflow of refugees is recorded

03 Feb. 2024

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2 min

Travel Is it safe to travel to Egypt in 2024: travel advisory for tourists has been updated

Is it safe to travel to Egypt in 2024: travel advisory for tourists has been updated

Due to the escalating tensions in the southern Red Sea around Yemen and the war between Israel and Gaza, travel advisories for Egypt have been updated. Find out what restrictions are in place now and whether it is safe to go on vacation

03 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Finance Ukraine continues payments to IDPs, but not to all: who will be able to receive funds

Ukraine continues payments to IDPs, but not to all: who will be able to receive funds

The Ukrainian government has decided to continue paying IDP benefits, but noted that not everyone will be eligible, but only certain categories of people. Find out more about who will be eligible for payments in 2024

03 Feb. 2024

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3 min

Travel Travel guide to Ukraine: the best places to visit in Kyiv (part 2)

Travel guide to Ukraine: the best places to visit in Kyiv (part 2)

Kyiv is a city that can impress everyone, both those who visit the capital of Ukraine for the first time and those who were born and raised here. Find out about the most interesting places to visit in Kyiv in the near future

03 Feb. 2024

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