1 min

Popular Visit Ukraine thanks everyone!

Visit Ukraine thanks everyone!

Sincere gratitude always evokes positive emotions and brings people together, so on the International Day of Gratitude, our team would like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts, because it is thanks to you that we can continue to help others

11 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Transport In which countries will air and rail flights be canceled in January due to strikes?

In which countries will air and rail flights be canceled in January due to strikes?

January may be a challenge for travelers in some European countries due to a large number of strikes in the transportation industry. Find out more about which countries will be affected by strikes

10 Jan. 2024

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Travel European airlines resume flights to Israel: where will the flights come from?

European airlines resume flights to Israel: where will the flights come from?

After a long break, European airlines announced the resumption of their regular flights to Israel. Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, and Swiss have identified key departure points for these flights, expanding their passenger service geography. Find out where the flights will come from

10 Jan. 2024

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Way to Victory How Irpin looks today, which survived the russian occupation

How Irpin looks today, which survived the russian occupation

The hero-city of Irpin is another fortress that, by sacrificing itself, allowed Kiev to hold out in the early days of the russian invasion. Find out what the city is like today and how you can see this legendary place through your own eyes

10 Jan. 2024

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3 min

For foreigners in UA Entering Ukraine during the war: safety rules, insurance and useful information for foreigners

Entering Ukraine during the war: safety rules, insurance and useful information for foreigners

The imposed martial law on the territory of Ukraine does not prohibit the entry of foreigners, but it does impose some other restrictions. Find out what you need for a safe trip and what nuances you should consider when planning a trip to Ukraine during the war

10 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Finance Electricity, water, gas and minimum wage: how prices and payments will change in 2024

Electricity, water, gas and minimum wage: how prices and payments will change in 2024

The new year will bring Ukrainians some changes in the sphere of payments. There is also updated information about possible changes in utility tariffs. Learn more about what Ukrainians should expect from monetary allowances in 2024

09 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Documents Online extension of temporary protection in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians: what documents are required

Online extension of temporary protection in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians: what documents are required

In order to extend temporary protection until 2025 in the Czech Republic, you should follow the specific conditions and procedure determined by the competent authorities of the country. Currently, the Czech Republic has an online registration system that allows persons from Ukraine to easily carry out this procedure. Find out what you need to do

09 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Transport Large-scale road strikes begin in Germany

Large-scale road strikes begin in Germany

Large-scale strikes have already begun on German roads, causing serious difficulties in the country's transportation system. Farmers have decided to oppose the decision to cut subsidies for agricultural diesel fuel, which has led to blockages of roads and highways in all regions. Find out more about how long the inconvenience will last

09 Jan. 2024

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