3 min

Travel How to organize an independent tour to Ukraine?

How to organize an independent tour to Ukraine?

Individual independent travel is becoming more and more popular among travelers every year. Find out how to organize an individual trip to Ukraine during the war and what to pay special attention to when planning

30 Oct. 2023

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1 min

Entry rules Ukrainian border crossing points have restricted the use of the Diia application: what happened

Ukrainian border crossing points have restricted the use of the Diia application: what happened

When entering or leaving Ukraine, citizens can no longer present e-documents to border guards. Find out what the new restrictions are and what documents from Diia are no longer accepted at the border

30 Oct. 2023

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2 min

Popular Latvia imposed a ban on autos with russian license plates: what will be done with russians' cars

Latvia imposed a ban on autos with russian license plates: what will be done with russians' cars

The Latvian Saeima has taken a step towards limiting the presence of vehicles with russian registration on its territory. Read more about the details of the future of russian cars in the article

29 Oct. 2023

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2 min

Finance Tariff increases, new subsidies and mobilization: what will change for Ukrainians from November 1

Tariff increases, new subsidies and mobilization: what will change for Ukrainians from November 1

Since the beginning of November, Ukraine has been implementing important changes that will affect the financial situation of its citizens. On the threshold of the heating season and with the beginning of November, the country is preparing for a number of reforms in social benefits and utilities, as well as changes in mobilization. Find out what changes are coming into force and what you should pay attention to

29 Oct. 2023

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2 min

Mythology Halloween in Ukrainian or Veles's Night: how our ancestors celebrated the holiday

Halloween in Ukrainian or Veles's Night: how our ancestors celebrated the holiday

According to legend, on the night of October 31-November 1, the souls of all the dead come to earth and wander the streets. Ukraine began celebrating Halloween only at the end of the 20th century. Some people perceive this holiday negatively because it is borrowed. However, Ukrainians had their own Halloween before and it was called Veles's Night. Learn about the traditions of celebrating Halloween in Ukraine

29 Oct. 2023

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Tourists in Ukraine In what cases may a foreigner need the assistance of a lawyer in Ukraine?

In what cases may a foreigner need the assistance of a lawyer in Ukraine?

Foreign nationals planning their trip to Ukraine may encounter certain legal difficulties. We will tell you when a foreigner may need legal assistance during their stay in Ukraine and where to find it

29 Oct. 2023

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2 min

Finance Why do Ukrainians buy more expensive cars during the war?

Why do Ukrainians buy more expensive cars during the war?

The number of used cars imported to Ukraine has returned to pre-war levels, but their prices have risen. Find out why expectations of a decline in car purchases do not coincide with reality and what is happening in the car market now

29 Oct. 2023

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1 min

Documents Lost driving licence can be restored abroad: the list of countries has been expanded

Lost driving licence can be restored abroad: the list of countries has been expanded

From now on, Ukrainians will be able to restore their lost driving licence in Germany and Italy. Find out more about how to use the service and where to apply

28 Oct. 2023

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