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09 Feb. 2025


What is the Europrotocol: conditions for registration in Ukraine and Europe in 2025

What is the Europrotocol: conditions for registration in Ukraine and Europe in 2025

The Europrotocol is a special form that drivers can fill out in the event of an accident. Find out more about the conditions under which the Euro protocol is allowed, where to get it, and how to fill it out

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Apply for a car insurance on Visit Ukraine — price from 4052 UAH

A traffic accident is stressful for every driver, but in many cases, the situation can be resolved without involving the police. For this purpose, there is the Europrotocol, an official document that allows drivers to independently record the circumstances of an accident and transfer information to the insurance company for further settlement.

However, it is important to remember that the Europrotocol cannot be used without a motor vehicle liability insurance policy! Therefore, before traveling, make sure that your policy is valid. On the Visit Ukraine portal, you can quickly apply for a car insurance policy online and be sure of your financial security.

Buy a motor third party liability insurance on Visit Ukraine right now and take care of your protection on the road!

In the previous article, we talked about the cost of a motor citizen in 2025.

What is the Europrotocol?

The Europrotocol is an official document used to record a traffic accident without calling the police. It is filled out directly by the drivers involved in the accident and submitted to the insurance company as a confirmation of the accident.

The Europrotocol can be filled in in two formats: paper - on a special form provided to the insured when issuing an MTPL policy, or electronic - through the Electronic Europrotocol system. In case of loss of the form, the insurer issues a new one free of charge upon written application of the car owner.

The practice of self-registration of an accident without the police first appeared in the EU countries in the 50s of the twentieth century. Today, most European countries use the standard Europrotocol form, which allows drivers from different countries to quickly register an accident. The main difference between the versions of the document is the language used to fill it out, which makes it easier to use when traveling internationally.

You can find the rating of insurance companies in 2025 here.

When is the Europrotocol drawn up?

The Europrotocol can be issued only if certain conditions are met. First of all, there must be no injuries or deaths as a result of the accident. Both drivers must have a valid MTPL policy and agree to fill out the report without calling the police. It is important that none of the participants is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and that they are not taking medications that may affect their consciousness.

If at least one of these conditions is not met, the National Police must be called.

The completed Europrotocol must be submitted to the insurance company within three days after the accident. If the document is drawn up through the Electronic Europrotocol service, the insurance company will receive the data automatically.

In case of an accident involving a car with foreign registration, a Green Card policy is required. In this case, only the paper form of the Europrotocol is applicable.

In the previous article, we talked about the cost of the Green Card policy in 2025.

The advantages of the Europrotocol

1. Quick registration of an accident - no need to wait for the police, which saves time and avoids unnecessary delays.

2. No fines - if both parties to an accident comply with the rules of the Europolicy, no fines are imposed by the police.

3. Simplified procedure for obtaining insurance payments - the document is sent directly to the insurance company, which speeds up the compensation process.

4. Possibility of online registration - in Ukraine and many European countries, there is an electronic Europrotocol, which can be filled out through the applications of insurance companies or online platforms.

5. Less bureaucracy - there is no need to draw up additional protocols or go through the procedure of registering a case with the police.

6. Maintaining road safety - on-site registration of unimpeded traffic reduces the risk of traffic jams and additional accidents.

7. Available in most European countries - the standardized form of the Europrotocol is valid in many European countries, which simplifies travel abroad.

In order to take advantage of the Europrotocol, it is important to have a valid motor vehicle insurance policy and a Green Card (for traveling abroad). You can apply for these insurance documents on the Visit Ukraine portal - insurance for Ukrainians.

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How do I apply for the Europrotocol?

Correct completion of the Europrotocol is a key point for the quick settlement of an insured event. The document has two parts: a joint (first) part, which is filled in by both drivers, and an individual (second) part, which each participant in the accident fills in independently after dividing the form.

How to draw up a Europrotocol: step-by-step instructions

- Clause 1, 2. Indicate the date, time and place of the traffic accident.

- Clause 3, 4. Select the correct statement and mark it with an “X”.

- Clause 5. Information about the witnesses of the accident. If there were none, leave the entry “absent”.

- Clause 6. Information about the insured of both parties.

- Clause 7. Information from the car registration certificate and insurance certificate.

- Clause 8. Additional information about insurance.

- Clause 9. Data on driver's license and personal information of the driver (phone number, e-mail, address of residence).

- Item 10. An arrow indicating the direction and place of the initial impact of the cars must be shown.

- Item 11. Description of the damage to both cars.

- Item 12. Select the correct statements and mark them with an “X” and indicate the number of cells marked.

- Item 13. Draw a diagram of the accident: the location of the vehicles at the time of the accident, the direction of travel, road signs and markings, and the name of the streets or roads. Keep in mind that the scheme is one of the main factors on the basis of which the accident is analyzed and the actions of the drivers are assessed.

- Clause 14. Additional information.

- Clause 15. Signatures of the parties involved in the accident.

If the document is executed correctly, the police are not called, and the insurance company pays compensation on its own. The insurance company must consider the case within 90 days. If the payment is not made within this time, you can apply to the MTIBU or the court.

Terms of the Europrotocol in Ukraine

The Europrotocol is an official way to record an accident without calling the police, which allows drivers to quickly settle insurance claims. However, its use is possible only under certain conditions.

When can the Europrotocol be used?

1. The accident occurred between two vehicles - if more cars are involved in an accident, a police call is mandatory;

2. No injuries or deaths - if someone was injured or killed in an accident, you must call an ambulance and the police;

3. Only vehicles are damaged - if other property (e.g., road signs, buildings) is damaged, an accident should be registered with the police;

4. Both drivers have a valid MTPL insurance policy - without a motor vehicle liability insurance, the use of the Europrotocol is impossible. You can buy insurance online at Visit Ukraine;

5. Absence of intoxication - both participants in the accident must be sober and not under the influence of medications that affect attention and reaction;

6. The drivers have reached an agreement on the circumstances of the accident - if there is a disagreement about the culprit, the police should be called;

7. The amount of damages does not exceed the established limit - in 2025, the insurance limit for the Europrotocol in Ukraine is UAH 80,000.

According to the Law of Ukraine No. 3720-IX, the restriction on the maximum amount of insurance indemnity when using the Europrotocol is canceled in 2025. This means that all losses will be covered by the insurance company without an upper limit.

What to do after the Europrotocol is issued?

- Drivers can leave the scene of an accident without waiting for the police;

- Participants are exempt from administrative liability for causing an accident;

- Drivers are not required to report an accident to the police;

- The completed protocol must be submitted to the insurance company within three business days;

- If the Electronic Europrotocol is used, the insurance company will receive the data automatically.

New limits of compensation under the European Protocol

Starting from January 1, 2025, Ukraine will lift the limit of UAH 80,000 on insurance indemnity under the European Protocol. From now on, compensation will be covered up to the sum insured for damage to the property of victims. For MTPL contracts concluded in 2025, this limit will be UAH 250,000.

If the MTPL insurance contract of the culprit of the accident was executed before January 1, 2025, the sum insured specified in it applies. In the case of a valid MTPL insurance contract in accordance with Law No. 1961, the maximum indemnity for property damage will be UAH 160,000.

How does the Europrotocol work in Europe?

Drawing up a Europrotocol in European countries is allowed under the same conditions as in Ukraine. However, keep in mind that for this purpose, the driver of a vehicle with Ukrainian registration must have a valid Green Card insurance policy.

If you have a Green Card, if you get into an accident in Europe, you can expect to receive compensation from an insurance agent.

The Europrotocol form is issued when the Green Card is issued. Ukrainians who enter into an agreement with an insurance company receive the form in their native language. In most member states of the Green Card agreement, the Europrotocol form is the same.

It is also noted that when drawing up the Europrotocol abroad, drivers can provide data in a language convenient for them.

Keep in mind that in Europe, there is no possibility to draw up the Europrotocol in electronic form.

The compensation limit depends on the country of residence. For example, in Germany it is up to EUR 10,000, in France - up to EUR 8,500, in Poland - up to EUR 6,000, and in Spain - up to EUR 7,500.

To travel abroad safely, Ukrainian drivers need a Green Card policy, which is an international car insurance policy recognized in all European countries. You can apply for a policy online at Visit Ukraine - it's fast, convenient and guarantees a hassle-free trip abroad.

Ensure peace of mind when travelling - apply for a Green Card at Visit Ukraine right now!

We remind you! Before traveling abroad by your own car, you need to collect all the necessary documents and take care of having international insurance. Read more about what documents you need to have for a safe trip abroad and what coverage is provided under the Green Card.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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gestellte Fragen
Wann kann ich das Europrotokoll nutzen?
Das Europrotokoll ermöglicht es Ihnen, einen Unfall zu melden, ohne die Polizei zu rufen, wenn: nur zwei Fahrzeugein den Unfall verwickelt sind ;es keine Verletzten oder Toten gibt;beide Fahrer eine gültige MTPL-Policehaben ;die Fahrer nicht unter Alkohol- oder Drogeneinflussstehen ; die Fahrermit den Umständen des Unfalls einverstanden sind; die Höhe des Schadens die festgelegte Versicherungssumme nicht übersteigt.
Wie füllt man das Europrotokoll korrekt aus?
Was ändert sich bei den Versicherungsleistungen im Rahmen des Europäischen Protokolls im Jahr 2025?
Wie funktioniert das Europrotokoll in Europa?
Wo kann ich eine CTPCI und eine Grüne Karte für Reisen ins Ausland erhalten?

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