Due to intermittent power outages, Ukrainians began to actively use tourist gas stoves and burners. These appliances are actually a great solution for preparing hot food and drinks when a stove is not available.
However, tourist tiles are a source of danger, because the gas cylinder, which is part of them, can explode and lead to tragedy if used improperly.
What do you need to know about portable gas stoves to avoid a dangerous situation?
Popular among Ukrainians, the device has a different appearance, but it usually consists of one burner, a firepower regulator and a gas cylinder.
Remember! Gas cylinders and burners are a source of increased danger. When using them, follow the safety rules and be as careful as possible.
When selling such devices, sellers often do not say that if there is no electric stove in the house, the burner is not the best option for several reasons:
• One burner.
• The design is not designed for the use of large-capacity dishes.
• Small amount of fuel.
Safety rules during use
Tragedy can be avoided if you follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety recommendations:
1. Store the cylinders in well-ventilated areas or outdoors, avoiding direct sunlight and precipitation. The air temperature in the room where the gas cylinders are installed should not be higher than 45 °C.
2. Avoid sharp temperature fluctuations. If the cylinder was at a negative temperature, the gas became liquefied. WARNING! If suddenly exposed to heat, the gas will expand, which can cause an explosion.
3. Ventilate the room after using tourist tiles. Liquefied gas is heavier than air, so ventilation of the room will prevent its accumulation.
4. Remember the distance to the stove. Place gas cylinders at a distance of half a meter from the gas stove and one meter from the heating devices.
5. Check whether the valve is closed. Otherwise, gas can seep in and fill the room. This will lead to both poisoning and explosion or fire.
6. Do not leave the portable stove unattended, and under no circumstances keep the cylinder in the room where you sleep.
7. Choose cylinders with isobutane. This gas is considered the safest and burns at low temperatures.
8. It is forbidden to use expired and damaged cylinders, devices without inscriptions and with defective valves.
9. It is forbidden to use gas stoves for heating the premises. To repair the device, contact only specialists!
10. Periodically change the cylinder or fill it up by contacting a gas station. In some cases, an empty cylinder can be exchanged for a filled one. Do not use the device until the last drop of blue fuel.
Fire safety rules during a blackout
Firstly, the State Emergency Service recommends turning off all electrical appliances (the same should be done when you leave the house).
It is also worth buying a fire extinguisher, which can save your life if appliances or wiring catch fire.
If gas equipment or an open fire was used, it is necessary to make sure that it is extinguished and there is no burning.
For those who have already purchased a gas burner, it is recommended:
• Always check the integrity of the can. Gas leaks can be detected using a soapy solution.
• The burner is designed for outdoor use. If it is used in a living room, there must be ventilation.
• Do not expose the cylinders to sunlight and keep them away from high temperatures.
• Buy only certified products at licensed sales points, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
• Do not allow children to use the device.
In addition, the State Labor Service of Ukraine emphasizes collective safety in multi-apartment buildings. For example, if a neighbor installed a fuel tank in the apartment without following safety rules, it is necessary to notify the experts. After all, recently there has been an increase in cases of gas explosions in high-rise buildings, in particular, in Kyiv.
Photo: Рexels
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