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10 Dec. 2022


Will Ukrainians return home: survey among immigrants in Poland and Germany

For refugees

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Will Ukrainians return home: survey among immigrants in Poland and Germany

The migration platform EWL and the Center for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw found out how many Ukrainians plan to stay abroad because of stable work.

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The EWL migration platform and the Center for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw conducted the study "Ukrainian refugees - professional activation in Poland and Germany" in the framework of which they interviewed about 800 Ukrainians and found out that every fourth respondent wants to return to Ukraine. However, 48% of refugees who found work in Poland and Germany do not plan to return to their homeland for at least a year after the end of the war.

Experts believe that the reason for this decision is that Ukrainians managed to find stable work in Poland and Germany. Most of the respondents work in the hotel and restaurant sector, trade or do physical work.

The average salary of employed refugees in Germany is 1467€ per month, in Poland - 540€. In Germany, workers who found work in the field of logistics and transport, education and office work have the highest salaries, in Poland - in industrial production and trade.

Before the start of the war in Ukraine, the respondents performed highly qualified work in the field of service and trade, were managers or teachers. Also, one in five respondents indicated that they had experience working abroad before the start of the large-scale invasion.

The average age of employed Ukrainians in Poland is 39 years, in Germany it is 37 years. Almost 50% of them have higher or unfinished higher education. Experts also note the high professional potential of Ukrainians, 20% of employed respondents are studying at advanced training courses, and more than 40% of refugees plan to do so in the future.

More than 50% of surveyed Ukrainians are already learning the language of their country of residence. 53% of respondents in Germany and about 30% of employed people in Poland speak English at a basic level.

We remind you that currently, Ukrainians are in Poland and Germany on the basis of the status of temporary protection, which has a limited validity period. Learn about how Ukrainians can get a permanent residence permit in Germany after the war in our material at the link.

Photo: DW