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18 Jan. 2023


Subsidy for paying for kindergarten in Italy in 2023: how to apply for a Ukrainian

For refugees
Subsidy for paying for kindergarten in Italy in 2023: how to apply for a Ukrainian

Italy continues to provide assistance to Ukrainian refugees who are currently in the country. In particular, here you can get a subsidy for the payment of kindergarten in the amount of about 3 thousand euros. Learn more about how to get paid

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

In Italy, families with children aged three months to three years can receive payments of up to €3,000 to pay for kindergarten or child home care costs (in case the child is unable to attend kindergarten for health reasons).

Children as young as three can receive payments between January and August 2023. We tell you how to get financial assistance.

Who can get payments?

Parents of minor children living in Italy have Italian/EU citizenship, or a long-term residence permit (including temporary protection or refugee status).

We told you more about how to get a residence permit in Italy here.

What is the amount of payments?

The amount of subsidy for kindergarten should not exceed the amount that parents spend on kindergarten, or home care. The amount of payments in Italy is calculated in accordance with the ISEE - indicator of the level of family profits and is:

- €3,000 per year (€272.72 per month for 11 months) for ISEE families, of which is up to €25,000;

- €2,500 (€227.27 per month for 11 months) for a family with an ISEE between €25,000 and €40,000;

- €1,500 (€136.37 per month for 11 months) for ISEE families of which is €40,000, or if the family does not file an ISEE code.

How to apply for a subsidy?

The application must be submitted by the parent who pays for training or home care for the child through an online service.

To request payments for a kindergarten, you need to enter your tax code and INPS credentials and specify the data of parents, a child and a private or public kindergarten.

To get payments for home childcare, follow this link.

The following documents must be added to the application for the subsidy:

- Copy of the document certifying the identity of one of the parents and a copy of the residence permit;

- receipts for payment of the first payment for kindergarten and certificate of attendance at kindergarten,

- final court order in case of adoption of the child;

- a certificate of a pediatrician certifying the inability of the child to visit the kindergarten, in the case of home care;

- monthly you need to add invoices by clicking on the menu on the left: allegati domande.

Attention! Refugees from Ukraine who found shelter in Italy can expect to receive a one-time allowance of 150 euros. Find out more who can count on the payment and how to apply at the link.

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