Deportation from Germany, France, Turkey, Sweden, Italy and the UK: the main reasons and how to prevent it

Any country has the right to deport a foreign citizen for violating certain legal frameworks. We will tell you why a foreign tourist can be deported in France, Turkey, Sweden, Italy, and the UK and how to prevent it
Foreign citizens, including Ukrainians, even if they have temporary protection status, can be deported from any country. To avoid such a situation, it’s necessary to have a clear understanding of the reasons and to comply with immigration legislation. We describe the main deportation grounds in Germany, France, Turkey, Sweden, Italy and Great Britain.
The Law on Deportation regulates the deportation procedure for migrants and refugees. This document describes the events that led to the expulsion of persons. The list includes:
Illegal entry;
Committing a criminal offense or belonging to a terrorist organization;
Expiration of visa or residence permit;
Termination of residence permit;
Receiving a decision on deportation from state authorities;
Who cannot be deported from the country? There are several categories that Germany will find difficult to deport:
People with disabilities and severe physical or mental illness;
People who have lost their passport or citizenship of another country;
Citizens of countries with no transport connection, for example, due to military operations;
Those who face a threat to life or persecution in the country of citizenship.
We would like to add that belonging to one of the specified categories does not give carte blanche to violate German legislation. Such citizens can still be deported.
The Office for Foreigners (Ausländerbehörde) and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) handle deportation cases. If you need advice on this topic or to appeal a decision, please contact the institutions listed.
Creating a safe environment in France is the main basis that underpins the decision to deport a citizen of another country. The country often deports immigrants and refugees who violate local laws.
Most often, the state deports those who don’t have permission to stay in the country legally and violate public order. At the same time, the authorities emphasize that repatriation is not applied to countries in a state of war.
France can deport you with a further entry ban if your visa has expired, you have crossed the border illegally, or you are working or conducting business illegally.
Those who threaten national security and public order, as well as those who have violated the migration laws of Turkey, can be expatriated. The main reasons for this include:
Stay in the country for more than 10 days after the visa expires;
Illegal employment or income;
Usage of forged documents when crossing the border;
Involvement in criminal and terrorist organizations.
Read more about grounds for repatriation and tips for avoiding deportation in Turkey via the link.
This Scandinavian country can deport foreigners for breaking the law. The reasons for deportation are similar to those described above. The absence of a valid visa, illegal employment, and committing crimes are the most common. In addition, we draw your attention to the following grounds:
Doubts of the authorities regarding the appropriateness of a foreigner's visit to the country;
Lack of funds to stay in Sweden or travel to another country;
Purposely providing false information about oneself;
Suspicion of espionage or sabotage by a foreigner.
The Italian authorities deport those who stay in the country, violating the current legislation. A foreigner lives in the country illegally in the following cases:
Absence of a visa or other document allowing to stay in the country;
Employment without an appropriate permit;
A court sentence in Italy or another EU country that provides imprisonment for a term of 1 year or more;
Conducting business activities contrary to Italian legislation;
Lack of money for living in the country, returning home or transit to another state.
After deportation, a foreigner may be banned from entering Italy or another EU country for up to five years. For violation of this prohibition, a person may be imprisoned for up to 4 years.
For the commission of a crime of medium gravity or felony offense, the criminal faces a more severe punishment. In addition to deportation, he gets a fine of up to EUR 10,000 and a restriction to return to the country for the rest of their life. Serious offenses include forgery of documents, sham marriage, prostitution, non-payment of taxes and financial fraud.
Let us add that several categories of citizens cannot be deported. Among them are minors who don’t want to follow their deported parents, pregnant women and mothers of infants under 6 months of age, foreigners with a permanent residence permit and those living with close relatives or a spouse with Italian citizenship.
United Kingdom
Deportation from the UK would mean not just leaving the country, but a ban on re-entering the state for 10 years. This prohibition is imposed on foreigners who have committed a criminal offense.
If the authorities decide to deport the foreigner, he will receive a corresponding decision describing the reasons. A foreigner will be asked to leave the country if:
The UK residence permit has expired;
The application for residence in Great Britain was refused;
The rules of issuing a visa or residence permit have been violated;
The foreigner worked illegally.
Note that deportation doesn’t happen immediately – usually, the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs some time to organize departure. During this time, the foreigner will have to visit the immigration center several times a month. In addition, he can appeal the decision on deportation, providing arguments for further stay in the country.
Under certain circumstances, an immigrant can be processed in a special center, where he has to wait for deportation. A person can also be under arrest if the Ministry of Internal Affairs believes he is trying to avoid deportation.
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