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27 May. 2023


How much money Ukrainians save in Poland: a study

Cost of living
How much money Ukrainians save in Poland: a study

Currently, a large number of Ukrainians continue to live abroad. Find out more about how Ukrainians save money in Poland and how much they manage to save

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

Poland became one of the main countries where many Ukrainians moved to after the outbreak of a full-scale war. However, even before 2022, a significant number of Ukrainian citizens lived in the country. Most of them have already managed to settle in this country and find a job with decent pay. Here's how much money Ukrainians manage to save in Poland.

A study conducted in early March in more than ten Polish cities by the migration platform EWL in cooperation with the Center for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw showed how Ukrainians in Poland assess their financial situation and how much money they have left after all living expenses.

How do Ukrainians save money?

According to the study, more than half of Ukrainians (55%) assess their financial situation as average. After paying all the expenses related to their stay in Poland, Ukrainian citizens have an average of 961 zlotys per month (about 8,500 UAH).

At the same time, Ukrainian migrants who arrived in Poland before the full-scale war try to save a little more. According to estimates, they have about 1052 zlotys (9300 UAH) left over each month. At the same time, military refugees can save 826 zlotys (7300 UAH).

The study also showed that after paying all monthly living expenses in Poland, 20% of Ukrainians have 501-1000 zlotys (4,400-8,850 UAH) left over.

Who manages to save more money, and who fails to save at all?

Few people manage to save more significant amounts. Only 12% of Ukrainian citizens save more than 2,000 zlotys per month (1,700 UAH).

At the same time, 18% of Ukrainian citizens spend all their money. Almost every fifth refugee has nothing left after paying all the expenses for their stay. Among pre-war migrants, the number is 15%.

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How do Ukrainian refugees assess their financial situation?

The survey showed that Ukrainian refugees who arrived in Poland after the full-scale invasion are more likely to assess their financial situation as good (22%) compared to migrants who arrived and started working in Poland before February 24, 2022 (14%).

Analysts note that such indicators indicate that Ukrainian citizens of different income levels have arrived in Poland amid the war. Among them are many middle-class representatives, businessmen who have money for living and a certain "financial cushion".

At the same time, only 1% of Ukrainians in Poland assess their financial situation very poorly. And only 1% of refugees consider it very good.

Given this topic, we would like to remind you that Poland continues to support Ukrainian citizens, no matter what. In particular, some services are still available for refugees. You can find out where free education, healthcare and travel are available in the article here.

Photo: VistaCreate

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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