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25 Mar. 2022


Latvia: rules of entry and stay for Ukrainian refugees

For refugees
Latvia: rules of entry and stay for Ukrainian refugees

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Please fill out this form if you need transportation to Latvia from the Ukrainian border. 

On arrival in Latvia in a vehicle registered in Ukraine.


When traveling to Latvia, please have valid travel documents with you if possible.

However, the absence of travel or medical documents (vaccination certificate, COVID-19 test) will not be an obstacle for Ukrainian citizens to enter Latvia.

Arrival in Latvia through checkpoints (external border, airport):

• Border control will be carried out for persons holding biometric passports. Persons with other travel documents and without a valid Schengen visa will be issued visas;

• If a person arrives without travel documents, his / her identity will be confirmed in cooperation with the competent authorities of Ukraine.

When going to Latvia, we urge you to take any documents that will help identify the person.

Long-stay visas with the right to work in Latvia will be issued to Ukrainian citizens for stay and employment in Latvia. If you have a biometric passport, you do not have to apply for a visa and can legally stay in the EU for up to 90 days without a visa. But if you plan to work or stay for more than 90 days, you can apply for a long-term visa.

Long-term visa will be issued for one year. The possibility of extending the visa depends on the further development of the situation in Ukraine. The visa application period will be several days, depending on the number of applications submitted. The visa will be free.

Applications for a long-term visa with the right to work in Latvia can be submitted either at the border crossing point or at the Unified Support Center for Residents of Ukraine, 1 Kalku Street, Riga (daily 9-18), as well as in all other branches of the Citizenship and Migration Office outside Riga.

Information on crossing the Latvian border can be obtained around the clock and without weekends by phone: +371 27380380; Round-the-clock telephone for information on services and support in Riga: +371 80000 800.

You should also contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of Ukraine for more detailed information on documents (tel: +37167332956, +37129239262 (hotline), +37167243082).

To learn more about applying for and obtaining a long-term visa, call:

+371 67209422 (Mon-Thu 8: 30-16: 00; Fri 9: 00-15: 00)

+371 67209400 (Mon-Thu 8: 30-16: 00; Fri 9: 00-15: 00)

If a Ukrainian citizen has exceeded or is nearing the end of his or her stay in Latvia, no administrative penalty will be imposed, but Ukrainian citizens who have exceeded their length of stay must apply to the Office of Citizenship and Migration for a visa to stay legally in Latvia.

Please note that if your child's passport expires or your child does not have a passport, you can contact the Embassy / Consulate of Ukraine to extend the validity of foreign passports and enter the child's data in the parent's passport.

This can be done in any diplomatic mission of Ukraine, both before entering Latvia and in Latvia. More about passport actions of Ukrainian embassies / consulates during the war here


People who do not need housing assistance can go to their chosen place of residence. In turn, those who need housing are asked to call the single information phone "Help for Ukrainians in Latvia" +371 27380380. In cooperation with the State Fire and Rescue Service, they will be provided with housing in one of the municipalities of Latvia.

Citizens of Ukraine who do not have a place of residence in Latvia, when crossing the border may contact the representative of the State Border Guard Service of Latvia regarding the need for assistance: +371 67913569; +37167913568.

In Riga, contact the Labklājības departaments (Welfare Department) of the Riga City Council at tel. 80005055 on accommodation, food, clothing, etc.

If you want to look for housing yourself, for short-term options, we recommend using



For long-term accommodation options, we offer the following sites:






Information on employment opportunities and practical advice is available on the crowdsourcing vacancy platform ukrainetolatvia.teamtailor.com This platform will regularly collect information only on those vacancies that companies offer to Ukrainian citizens to work in Latvia or remotely, both full-time and part-time. All vacancies listed on this platform do not require knowledge of Latvian. The main language of communication will be English or Russian.


Every citizen of Ukraine who has just arrived in Latvia, or is already here and cannot return home due to the war, has the right to receive state-funded medical services that are also available to the Latvian population. More information is available free of charge by phone, in English or Russian: +371 8000 1234 (opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17:00; Friday from 8:30 to 15:00). When calling from foreign numbers: +371 67045005

All public health services are available free of charge, consult 80001234 (English, Russian, Monday-Thursday 08: 30-17: 00, Friday 08: 30-15: 00).

Family doctor - consultations, prescriptions, referrals, examinations or tests, vaccinations - 80001234, [email protected]

Doctor on duty - if the time of the family doctor's appointment is over, available in Riga and other large cities - 80001234.

Family doctor's phone number 66016001 (round the clock, Latvian, Russian) in case of simple illness, minor injuries, colds, etc.).

Dentistry - public service for children under 18, paid service for adults (80001234)


If symptoms are detected, the state pays for a laboratory test. A doctor's referral is not required. Tel: 8303 (weekdays from 08: 00-18: 00, weekends 09: 00-14: 00).

General information: 8989 (weekdays from 08:00 to 20:00, weekends 09:00 to 18:00).

For isolation and quarantine Kovid19: +37167387661 (weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00).

Documents for obtaining the service: passport / visa or permanent residence permit. In the absence of documents - 80001234.

Medical care for children:

tel. +37125680140 (Children's Clinical University Hospital, 45 Vienibas Gatve Street, +37167064459).


Upon arrival in Latvia, Ukrainian citizens will be able to apply for a long-term visa with the right to work in Latvia, a visa will be issued for 1 year and will provide access to the labor market.

Information on employment opportunities and practical advice is available on the crowdsourcing vacancy platform ukrainetolatvia.teamtailor.com. This platform will regularly collect information only on those vacancies that companies offer to citizens of Ukraine to work in Latvia or remotely, both full-time and part-time. All vacancies listed on this platform do not require knowledge of Latvian. The main language of communication will be English or Russian.


The Food and Veterinary Service reports that there are currently preferential entry requirements for pets entering Latvia from Ukraine with their owners. Given the situation, animals from Ukraine will be allowed into Latvia. Once in Latvia, the pet owner will be able to complete all the formalities, including chipping, vaccinating the animal and testing for antibodies to rabies. More information: www.pvd.gov.lv .

Useful links for Ukrainians in Latvia:


