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26 Jul. 2023


Ukrainians do not want to pay taxes: the study showed the main reasons


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Ukrainians do not want to pay taxes: the study showed the main reasons

Sociologists have conducted a survey and found out why most Ukrainians are unwilling to pay taxes. Find out more about what else is the reason besides low incomes

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Ukrainian citizens have named the main reasons why they do not want to pay taxes to the state. The opinion of Ukrainians is reflected in a sociological survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology at the request of the Center for Social and Economic Research CASE Ukraine.

During wartime, Ukraine adopted a law on additional tax incentives to support business during the war, which provided individuals and businesses with a turnover of up to UAH 10 billion with the opportunity to pay a 2% single tax on turnover under the rules established for the 3rd group of single tax payers, i.e. with exemption from income tax, VAT and other payments.

However, as of August 1 this year, Ukraine will return to the pre-war level of taxation, which means the abolition of the 2% tax.

At the same time, sociologists have found out why Ukrainians do not want to pay taxes to the state.

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The results of the survey

To the question "Why do you think ordinary citizens may not want to pay taxes?", 80.3% of respondents answered: "Because of low incomes that do not allow for a decent standard of living."

At the same time, 73.6% of the responses fell on the option "Because of the belief that the money paid is stolen or spent".

Also, 65.8% of the responses concerned the inability to influence where the state spends taxes. The option about the low quality of public services accounted for 59.8% of responses.

Tax evasion by other citizens was mentioned in 56.6% of responses. Other reasons accounted for only 11.2% of responses.

The survey was conducted from May 11 to June 12, 2023. Based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers, 2013 respondents aged 18 and older were interviewed. The sample did not include residents of the territories temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities until February 24, 2022, and citizens who left the country after February 24, 2022.

We remind you! After the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, as well as amid a difficult situation in the energy system due to enemy shelling, Ukrainians were allowed to import certain goods into the country without VAT and customs duties. Read more about this here.

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