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26 Mar. 2022


Lviv under attack and liberated Trostyanets: main developments of 26 March


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Lviv under attack and liberated Trostyanets: main developments of 26 March

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- A missile strike was carried out on the territory of the Air Force Command in Vinnytsia. Several missiles were shot down by air defense, but others were hit. Destruction is significant, no casualties;

- In Kyiv, a group disguised as territorial defence fighters was exposed, which planned serious crimes with the use of automatic weapons. The investigation is underway;

- France, Turkey and Greece are preparing an operation to evacuate Mariupol. These countries are in constant dialogue on this issue with President Zelensky. They have to discuss this with Putin for 2 days;

- Russian occupiers entered Slavutych in Kyiv oblast. When city residents came out to protests, occupiers opened fire on them and threw stunt grenades. The terrorists also seized the hospital. The mayor was first abducted, given an ultimatum to surrender his weapons and expose all Ukrainian servicemen in the city. The mayor was later released;

- Summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. For the past 24hrs, 8 tanks, 11 units of automobiles and 17 units of armored vehicles have been destroyed (Donetsk and Luhansk directions). 3 UAVs, a helicopter, 3 planes, 5 cruise missiles were shot down. In the Kharkiv region, a complex of electronic warfare was destroyed. Settlements near Mala Rohan, Kharkiv region were liberated. The defense operation continues in all directions. The Belarusian Battalion is included in the Armed Forces. Saboteurs became more active in Kyiv region;

- Anonymous posted another piece of information from the servers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

- Ukrainian regional administrations will allocate land at an accelerated pace to build housing for internally displaced persons;

- The second Holocaust memorial has been damaged since the beginning of the war due to Russian shelling. Now it is Drohobych Yar (Kharkiv);

- According to Metropolitan Epiphanius, rector of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, several monasteries and dozens of communities have joined his church;

- Joe Biden, President of the United States, began his visit to the Republic of Poland yesterday. He first flew to the south-eastern Polish city of Rzeszów (100 km from Ukraine), where one of the refugee reception points is located. The program of the visit includes a meeting with the President of Poland Andrzej Duda, the US military of the 82nd Airborne Division, a speech in Warsaw after talks with the Polish President. On March 25, Biden met with organizations that care for our refugees in Rzeszów, and on March 26, he arrived at the National Stadium in Warsaw, where he met with Ukrainian citizens who fled to Poland from the war, and with volunteers. The American president was deeply moved by the meeting, spoke sincerely and said of the Ukrainians that "they are wonderful people";

- During Joe Biden's final speech on the results of the business tour in Poland, 4 missile strikes were fired on Lviv. The missiles were launched from Sevastopol. Two facilities were hit: an oil depot and a defense plant (two strikes on each one). The plant was evacuated long time ago. There are 5 wounded, and, fortunately, no dead;

- In the evening on March 26 liberated was the Ukrainian city of Trostyanets in the Sumy region which was in occupation since March 1.

Photo: Maks Levin