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14 Aug. 2023


English-speaking Ukraine in the future: why you need to learn English now

English-speaking Ukraine in the future: why you need to learn English now

Studying English in Ukraine is important today because English is an international language of communication that opens up wide opportunities for communication, education, travel, and work internationally. Learn more about the influence of English on the Ukrainian language and the importance of learning

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It is no secret that Ukrainians cannot boast of their English language skills. According to a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in December 2022-January 2023, only half of respondents have some knowledge of English, and only 23% of them can use it practically (in reading, writing, at the household or professional level). Recently, the number of people interested in learning English has increased. However, the figure for the country is still small, and in order to increase it, a draft law on the "Use of English in Ukraine" was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada on June 28. 

What will change?

It is important to understand that English proficiency by Ukrainians will accelerate European integration and strengthen cooperation with the international community in the future. The draft law was submitted on time: Ukraine will need to look for foreign investors to rebuild.

Let's look at the main changes:

 English language skills will now be required for certain positions. Firstly, these are civil servants, heads and deputy heads of state administrations, police officers, prosecutors, customs officers, and contract officers.

 Mandatory study of English is being introduced in all educational institutions, starting with kindergartens.

 Compulsory English exams will be developed for different categories of the population (schoolchildren, government officials, and the military).

 The state will provide financial support for learning English and ensure working conditions for teachers.

 New standards are being introduced for the use of English in the transportation and healthcare sectors.

The impact of English on the Ukrainian language

Some Ukrainians disagree with the need for an English language bill because they fear that English is overwhelmingly influencing our native language. Most Europeans are fluent in two languages: their mother tongue and English, and neither language displaces the other. This makes their countries more conducive to tourism and active in the international arena. 

There is a controversial clause in the draft law, the consequences of which may not be very pleasant. Article 9.4 provides for the screening of films in English if it is the original language. It is expected that by 2027, 100% of such films will be broadcast in English. This is done in developed countries and is a good practice, but it can be dangerous for Ukraine, whose language has survived linguistic violence and has not yet fully recovered. It destroys the field of film dubbing, reduces the use of the Ukrainian language, and encourages people who do not speak English to resort to piracy or look for a substitute, which is most likely to be russian dubbing. Ukrainians are divided on this point, but the majority calls for amendments.

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Why should Ukrainians learn English now?

Ukrainians need to know English, at least at a basic level. This factor should attract foreign investors to rebuild Ukraine. In addition, Ukraine will have a chance to develop its tourism industry. Foreigners will have more opportunities and feel less alienated if the population understands English.

If Ukraine becomes bilingual in the future, it will contribute to its development as a country. The Ukrainian government is already launching an anglicization policy. Ukrainians need to start improving their English language skills - in the next few decades, almost every job will require at least a basic level of English. 

Learn English

In the future, English will be used in a wider range of fields. Now is the time to start learning it. It's not an easy process, so it's best to find a professional teacher or tutor. It won't take long to find one, and you can turn to an online school like BUKISchool. Learn English and grow!

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