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05 Nov. 2023


Why do Ukrainians from the frontline regions read russian news?

Why do Ukrainians from the frontline regions read russian news?

Some Ukrainians regularly receive information about events in Ukraine from russian sources. Find out more about how many Ukrainians read russian media and why they choose the information channels of the aggressor country

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The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted a survey among Ukrainians living in the frontline regions of Ukraine. The sample included 10 regions: Dnipropetrovs'k, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson and Chernihiv regions.

According to the survey, 78% of residents of these regions read news related to the events and war in Ukraine on a daily basis. Another 12% of respondents do so at least 3-4 times a week, and only 10% of respondents read the news 1-2 times a week. At the same time, some Ukrainians choose russian media to receive information.

The percentage of Ukrainians who read russian news and what motivates them to do so is described in the article below.

How many Ukrainians read russian news about Ukraine?

The vast majority of Ukrainians from the frontline regions receive information from national (54% read the news daily) and local (59%) sources. At the same time, 28% of respondents read international media daily, and 37% of respondents read it once a week.

It is also important that 97% of respondents believe it is important to follow the news about events in Ukraine (67% of respondents said it is "very important").

However, at the same time, 16% of Ukrainians from the frontline regions reported that they receive information about Ukraine from russian news on a weekly or daily basis. Of these, 6% do so on a daily basis.

At the same time, the majority of those who read russian media (44%) choose pro-government and opposition sources (22% - pro-government, 21% - opposition).

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Why do Ukrainians read russian news?

As part of the survey, Ukrainians were asked what motivates them to read russian sources of information. Thus, among the main motives, respondents named

– to compare information (17%);

– interest in the presentation of information in russia (14%);

– to learn about pro-russian sentiments (11%);

– a desire to be informed about events in russia because of their importance for Ukraine (11%);
– to understand the russians' vision of events (10%).

What news are Ukrainians from the frontline regions interested in?

According to the survey, local and national news are in the first place (25% each). News about Ukraine's economy and international news, excluding news related to russia, are next (19% each). News related to social issues, educational or scientific programs, and health (15% each) round out the list.

At the same time, Ukrainians in the frontline regions lack information about the course of the war (57%), available state support programs (39%), services available in the community (36%), and reconstruction plans (33%).

We remind you! Dictator putin may have died at his residence on October 26, but despite numerous statements, there is no substantiated evidence of this. Read who benefits from spreading this information and what Ukrainian intelligence says in our previous article.

Photo: Shutterstock

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