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02 Jun. 2024


Closing centers and cutting benefits: Ireland introduces new changes for Ukrainians

For refugees
Closing centers and cutting benefits: Ireland introduces new changes for Ukrainians

Refugees from Ukraine who are in Ireland or planning to come to the country should be prepared for changes. In particular, the local authorities are preparing to close assistance centers and reduce payments. Read more about the update

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An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The Irish government is introducing a number of important changes for Ukrainians. In particular, they plan to close dozens of accommodation centers. This was stated by Prime Minister Simon Harris, according to breakingnews.ie and irishtimes.com.

Accommodation centers for Ukrainian refugees in Ireland are to be closed: what are the reasons?

Soon, about 70 contracts for the accommodation of Ukrainian refugees in Ireland will expire. This concerns hotels and other public buildings that were used as housing for Ukrainians fleeing the war. 

“In County Kerry, we were able to return to use two hotels that were occupied by migrants. There are 68 contracts in place to accommodate Ukrainians, which will soon be completed. We will see many hotels and other facilities returning to local communities,” the Prime Minister said.

The Department of Integration reported that the closure of a significant number of places to accommodate Ukrainian refugees is due to a new policy that provides housing for only 90 days, which allows for faster vacancies.

The agency also noted that refugees leave the provided housing every day to find a new place of residence on their own.

The refugees' relocation is planned to be organized in the summer to minimize the impact on children's education.

Currently, in Ireland, state-funded accommodation is provided for only 90 days, not for an indefinite period as before. After leaving public housing, payments increase.

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Ireland will reduce benefits for Ukrainians 

The country also plans to reduce pensions and disability payments for Ukrainian refugees. This was announced by the Minister of Social Protection Heather Humphreys, independent.ie reports. 

The Irish government has confirmed that the reduction of benefits for Ukrainian refugees living in state-provided housing with full services will also affect vulnerable categories of the population.

Thus, approximately 2,500 Ukrainian refugees will receive reduced pensions and disability payments.

Since the beginning of the war, the government has been providing Ukrainian refugees with generous social benefits, including a weekly allowance of 220 euros and free accommodation in state-run facilities, mostly hotels.

It is known that in 2024, social benefits began to be reduced gradually. Starting March 14, social assistance for newcomers was reduced to 38.80 euros per week for public housing.

In particular, the government has recently decided to further reduce benefits for all refugees in public housing, regardless of the date of their arrival in Ireland. The reduced payments will affect about 27 thousand Ukrainians.

“We are reducing payments for those who are on full support. This means that they receive food, lighting, heating and all necessary utilities. This will be implemented gradually and will start in August,” explained Humphries.

According to her, there are approximately 2,500 refugees with disabilities or pensioners.

“If you are a pensioner in Ireland and have your own housing, you have to maintain it yourself, pay for utilities such as light, electricity, water,” the minister said.

Officials emphasize that the cuts in social benefits are applied equally to all categories, ensuring fair treatment of all.

How many Ukrainians choose Ireland to live in?

In recent months, the number of Ukrainian refugees arriving in Ireland has decreased significantly. In February, an average of 25 people arrived per day, while in December 2023, 70 people arrived per day.

At the same time, 37 people left public housing per day in February.

We remind you! 
The Irish government continues to support refugees from Ukraine seeking asylum. However, in 2024, Ireland changed some of the conditions of stay, financial assistance, etc. Read all about the current rules for obtaining protection for Ukrainians in Ireland in 2024 in our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

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