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31 May. 2024


Electricity tariffs in Ukraine will increase by one and a half times from 1 June: how much will you have to pay

Electricity tariffs in Ukraine will increase by one and a half times from 1 June: how much will you have to pay

The first month of summer will bring Ukrainians new tariffs for light, which the state adopted due to the difficult situation in the country's energy system. Find out how much electricity payments have increased and who will be able to pay less

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Ukraine has officially raised electricity tariffs for households. From 1 June, everyone will have to pay the new tariff. We will tell you what price the government has set and why it took this step.

New electricity tariff

The new price - UAH 4.32 per kilowatt - will be in effect until 30 April 2025, according to the Ministry of Energy.

There have also been changes for individual and collective household consumers living in residential buildings (including hotel-type residential buildings and apartments) equipped with electric heating installations. Such persons will have to pay:

- up to 2000 kW consumed per month - UAH 2.64/kW;

- over 2000 kW per month - 4.32 UAH/kW.

At the same time, the "night tariff" (with the appropriate two-zone meter installed) will be UAH 2.16 per kWh.

"The tariff increase is a difficult but necessary step. The goal is not to be left without electricity, to maintain the system. We are facing a large-scale reconstruction that will require a lot of effort and money. All this time, the repair campaign at generation, distribution and transmission facilities has been ongoing. Unfortunately, we understand that enemy shelling of energy facilities will continue, and we have to use all possible resources," said Energy Minister German Galushchenko.

Why was the electricity tariff increased?

It is worth noting that during the war, the Ukrainian government imposed a moratorium on raising tariffs for gas, hot water and heat. But it did not apply to electricity and cold water.

The electricity tariff increase had been in the works in Ukraine for several months, as the russian army has caused significant damage to the country's energy infrastructure since the beginning of 2024. Amid regular missile attacks, Ukrainians switched back to stabilised blackouts in May.

The Ministry of Energy estimates that about 8 GW of generating capacity has been lost in Ukraine as a result of russian attacks. The increase in tariffs is intended to raise funds for repairs. In particular, to get through the next autumn and winter.

In early May, the National Bank of Ukraine predicted a rapid and significant increase in electricity tariffs. In March, the increase was mentioned in a memorandum with the IMF. According to the Ministry of Energy, stabilisation of the system will require a gradual increase in tariffs to recover costs.

We remind you! The beginning of summer in Ukraine will bring some changes that will affect the financial situation of citizens. Read here to find out what changes Ukrainians will face from the first days of June.

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