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05 Jun. 2024


Verkhovna Rada passes law on English language in Ukraine: what will change

Verkhovna Rada passes law on English language in Ukraine: what will change

The Parliament passed a bill regulating the use of the English language in Ukraine. In particular, the innovations relate to education, civil service, law enforcement, as well as cultural and transportation. Find out more about who will now be required to speak English and other important details

Legal assistance for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad
Legal assistance for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

On Tuesday, June 4, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed in the second reading Bill 9432 on the functioning of the English language in the country. “236 deputies voted in favor of the decision.

The main provisions of the law and how it will change the lives of Ukrainians are discussed below.

Law on the use of English in Ukraine: details

It is known that the relevant bill was initiated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and registered on June 28, 2023. The first reading took place last fall.

The document provides for the consolidation of the status of English as one of the languages of international communication in Ukraine, given the country's intentions to join the EU and the insufficient level of English proficiency among citizens.

The law defines the categories of positions for which candidates must be proficient in English and regulates the specifics of its use in the work of state authorities, local governments, emergency units, at the border, in education, transport and healthcare.

In addition, it concerns the teaching of English from kindergartens and at all levels of education. It is also proposed to broadcast films in English in cinemas, and in case of unprofitable screenings, the state will compensate part of the costs to cinemas.

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English Language Law: how it will affect Ukrainians

English language proficiency requirements for officials

The bill will require applicants for certain positions to be proficient in English. This applies to:

- Civil servants of categories “A”, “B” and “C” (the list is set by the Cabinet of Ministers).

- Heads of local state administrations and their deputies.

- Military officers serving under contract (the list is established by the Cabinet of Ministers).

- Middle and senior police officers, chiefs of other law enforcement agencies and civil defense services (the list is determined by the government), prosecutors, customs and tax officials (the list is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers).

- Heads of public sector business entities (the list is determined by the government).

- Officials will take a free English language exam organized by the Ministry of Education and Science. The exam can be taken no more than once every 4 months, but the number of attempts is not limited.

Other changes 

Timeline for implementation of requirements

The English language proficiency requirements for category A civil servants, heads of local state administrations and their deputies will take effect two years after the end of martial law, and for other officials - in four years.

Changes in education

English will become mandatory at all levels of education, including preschools.


In cinemas, up to 10% of movies will be broadcast in English.

Requirements for the military

The military will be required to speak English at a sufficient level for professional communication. During martial law and mobilization, these requirements do not apply to military personnel and law enforcement officers.

Changes in the transportation sector

All information at railway stations, bus stations, airports, seaports and river ports will be duplicated in English.

Cultural and artistic sphere

During cultural events, in museums and cinemas, audiovisual information will be dubbed in English.

Urgent assistance

Emergency assistance will be provided to foreigners in English if they do not speak Ukrainian. Calls will also be accepted in English or another acceptable language.

Customs and passport control

At the border, customs and passport control for foreigners will be conducted in English.

We remind you!
 Earlier we wrote that the Ukrainian government is trying to actively promote the English language in Ukraine. Find out how many Ukrainians don't know any foreign languages and how many are fluent in English.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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