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07 Oct. 2024


Unemployed Ukrainians can join public works: how much they pay and what you need to know

Unemployed Ukrainians can join public works: how much they pay and what you need to know

People who have lost their jobs can take advantage of temporary employment through public works. Find out more about the earning opportunities for the unemployed and how to get at least UAH 8 thousand per month

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More useful news in our Telegram channel

Ukrainians who are temporarily unemployed have the opportunity to join public works. This opportunity is provided by the State Employment Service of Ukraine, which organizes temporary employment for citizens.

Features of public works

Public works is a paid temporary employment that does not require special qualifications or professional education for most tasks. 

Also, the work often involves a flexible schedule, which allows participants to combine it with other activities or the search for a permanent job.

This temporary employment can last up to 180 days during the year, and the salary for a fully worked month cannot be lower than the minimum wage. Currently, it is UAH 8 thousand, which is a significant support for people who have temporarily lost their source of income.

Payments are made for the actual time worked based on the minimum wage.

What are the areas of community service?

Community service covers various social and environmental areas, including:

- Caring for people with disabilities and the elderly, as well as helping vulnerable groups of the population.

- Improvement of settlements and disaster relief.

- Support and assistance to visually impaired people.

- Providing assistance to families of ATO participants and social services for people with disabilities.

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Who can participate in community service?

- Registered unemployed persons;

- persons registered with the territorial offices of the State Employment Service as job seekers;

- employees who have lost part of their salary as a result of a forced reduction of up to 50% of the statutory working hours due to the suspension (reduction) of production.

Public works can not only become a source of temporary income, but also open up real prospects for finding a permanent job. 

Participation in such projects allows the unemployed to gain experience, establish new contacts, and contribute to the development of the community.

How long does community service last?

The duration of such work during the year cannot exceed 180 calendar days.

You can join community service through local employment centers, which will help you find the right job.

Please note!
 In 2024, more and more Ukrainians are looking for employment opportunities abroad. However, this process can be complex and confusing due to many legal nuances, changing legislation, document requirements and language barriers. Complex consultation from professionals will help to simplify the move. Visit Ukraine specialists will provide full and detailed support at any stage of employment abroad. You can learn more about the services 
in this article. Contact a specialist using this link.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

In order to organize a trip, ensure a safe move and successful employment in a new country, I advise you to contact a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations when traveling abroad.

Do you have additional questions? Contact the Visit Ukraine hotline (Telegram | WhatsApp).

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2024, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

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asked questions

Where to look for a job in Ukraine?

There are resources where anyone can find a job on their own. For example: Work.ua; Rabota.ua; UA.Jooble.org; OLX; Trud.com; grc.ua. and others.

Where to go to work without work experience?

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