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10 Jun. 2022


Monkeypox is already in Poland: what is known


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Monkeypox is already in Poland: what is known

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The first case of monkeypox infection has been recorded in Poland, Polish Health Minister Adam Nedzelski said. The patient was hospitalized in a Warsaw detention center. In addition to the first confirmed case, there are also 10 suspected cases of monkeypox, which are currently being investigated.

In addition to Poland, cases have already been reported in Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Italy, and Portugal. Belgium became the first country to introduce a mandatory 21-day quarantine for monkeypox patients. In Britain, a three-week quarantine is recommended for close contacts of patients.

As of June 2, the WHO had already recorded 780 cases of infection outside Africa, from where the virus began to spread around the world. The Ministry of Health has already commented on the likelihood of the disease spreading in Ukraine: isolated cases of monkeypox infection are expected, but there will be no epidemic. According to the chief sanitary doctor Ihor Kuzin, monkeypox can be localized, so the mass incidence, as was the case with the coronavirus, should not be feared. In Ukraine, there have been no records of monkeypox so far.

Monkeypox is a rare infection endemic to the African continent. The disease is transmitted by close household contact, through the patient's biological fluids. The main symptoms are fever and a characteristic rash. The disease is mostly mild and no deaths have been reported outside of Africa, but they do occur in African countries.