The Ministry of Internal Affairs introduces new rules for obtaining a driver's license: what you need to know
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On July 24, a new driver training mechanism will start working. Those wishing to obtain a driver's license will take exams according to the new rules.
Major changes
Now the theoretical and practical parts of the exam are separated, and the theoretical exam at the driving school is canceled. The theory exam will be held at service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after passing a theoretical course at a driving school.
Therefore, potential drivers must confirm their knowledge of traffic rules, and only then get behind the wheel. Such a distribution will become a guarantee of road safety because even during the exam at a driving school, students who have already mastered the theoretical part will be driving.
The new approach to exams
Driving school students will study and confirm their knowledge in the following way:
- Theory training at a driving school;
- Theoretical exam at the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (except for future drivers of categories BE, C1E, SE, D1E and DE);
- Practical driving training;
- Passing a practical exam at a driving school;
- Practical exam in the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
All those who successfully pass the theory exam receive a certificate guaranteeing admission to the practice exam. This document is valid for one year.
Admission to a practical exam at a service center can only be obtained after passing the “practice” at a driving school.
The Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine noted that the school where potential driver studies will only generate certificates of completion of theoretical and practical training and will enter data into the Unified State Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The new introductions will also make it possible to choose different driving schools for theoretical and practical training.
Those who started training at a driving school before July 24 will take exams according to the old approach.
You can find out detailed information about the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by calling (044) 290-19-88 or on Facebook.
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