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20 Aug. 2022


How to carry out iodine prophylaxis in case of radiation contamination?


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How to carry out iodine prophylaxis in case of radiation contamination?

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The Ministry of Health has published a manual on how to protect your health in the event of radiation contamination. As you know, when radiation elements are released, the thyroid gland suffers the most, so doctors recommend iodine prophylaxis in the event of an explosion at a nuclear power plant.

Attention! Iodine prophylaxis is carried out only in case of official notification of the release of radiation! Do not self-medicate before a radiation threat occurs.

In the event of a radiation accident, it is recommended to take potassium iodide.

When is the best time to take the drug?

- 6 hours or less before the arrival of the radiation cloud

- simultaneously with the arrival of the radiation cloud and within 6 hours after

It is not recommended to take the drug 24 hours after the cloud has arrived.

Who should take potassium iodide and in what doses?

Potassium iodide is taken once:

- children up to one month - 16 mg

- children from 1 month to 3 years - 32 mg

- children from 3 to 12 years old - 62.5 mg

- adolescents from 13 to 18 years old, adults up to 40 years old, pregnant and lactating mothers - 125 mg

People over 40 are not prescribed potassium iodine.

The use of an alcohol solution of iodine or Lugol's solution is ineffective and harmful!

Earlier we talked about the algorithm of actions in the event of a radiation accident.