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07 Sep. 2022


War does not frighten: Hasidim go to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah


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War does not frighten: Hasidim go to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah

Purchase insurance for entry into Ukraine
Purchase insurance for entry into Ukraine

Despite a full-scale war in Ukraine, Hasidim go to Uman. Traditionally, they celebrate the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah, in the fall here at Tzaddik Nachman's grave. This year, the holiday falls on September 25-27.

Because of the threat of Russian missile attacks this year, Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police recommended that Hasidic pilgrims refrain from visiting Ukraine. However, more than a thousand pilgrims have already arrived in Uman, and the city is expecting to host up to 10,000 Hasidim. Last year, some 30,000 orthodox Jews visited Uman for traditional celebrations.

"They assured that they, too, have almost constant war in Israel, and they are used to it. Having now analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages of the fact that believers will still go, we realized that we need to emphasize exactly the abstention from going, not to emphasize that we are categorically against it," - said the head of the Cherkasy Regional Military Administration Igor Taburets.

He warned that the Russian Federation may use the traditional arrival of Hasids for provocations. Therefore, regional authorities are tightening security measures in Uman for the period from 19 to 30 September. In particular, they will prohibit public events and the sale of alcohol, and will reinforce access and restrict access to certain places.

Israeli authorities also called on Hasidim to refrain from going to Ukraine. The Embassy of Israel said that now the Ambassadors are not in Ukraine on a permanent basis, and therefore will not be able to provide consular assistance to its citizens in case of need.

But despite all the restrictions, the Hasids began arriving in Uman a month before the holiday, for fear that there might be problems on the eve. But children and women are still refraining from traveling for safety reasons.

"Those who dare to make the pilgrimage must strictly adhere to the requirements of security measures: curfew, response to air-raid alarms, as well as follow all the instructions of law enforcement officials. This is the only way to minimize the existing risks for believers on this important holiday for the Jewish people," - noted the Security Service of Ukraine.