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08 Oct. 2022


Personal lawyer in Ukraine: what are the benefits and features


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Personal lawyer in Ukraine: what are the benefits and features

Do you need legal advice? Order the "Private lawyer" service online — quickly and professionally
Do you need legal advice? Order the "Private lawyer" service online — quickly and professionally

Insurance services are increasingly gaining popularity in the everyday life of Ukrainians. Car or home insurance will no longer surprise anyone. Many take out health insurance both in everyday life and during travel. Liability and accident insurance is also available.

But in parallel with the widely known types of insurance, new ones have recently begun to appear. You can purchase one of these on the Visit Ukraine website. This is the insurance policy "Private lawyer - personal lawyer on legal issues in the territory of Ukraine. In ordinary language, this is something like an ambulance, only not for medical issues, but for legal ones.

In what cases may the services of a lawyer be needed?

From time to time, there are situations when it is not possible to solve some issue on your own. There are cases when certain officials exceed their powers, some executive bodies unreasonably restrict people's rights, illegal actions of third parties are often committed, etc.

In such cases, legal advice is needed to help you deal with all the problems, for example, such as:

• prohibition of crossing the border without proper legal grounds;

• unfounded claims of the controlling body (employees of the border service of Ukraine);

• evacuating the vehicle without notifying the owner, without legal grounds for doing so;

• withdrawal of a driver's license or any other document that grants a natural person a special right without proper legal grounds;

• encroachment on the integrity of housing (illegal entry into your home, forced eviction without existing legal grounds);

• forced obstruction of the exercise of the right to freedom of movement;

• disclosure of personal (personal) data about a natural person, which caused him harm;

• violation of the right to participate in peaceful assemblies;

• violation of medical secrecy about a natural person, which caused him harm;

• violation of consumer rights;

• violation of intellectual property rights;

• causing bodily harm to a physical person;

• the disappearance of an individual's luggage, which caused damage to him.

Our partners will provide an individual approach to everyone and help in any force majeure situations within the framework of current Ukrainian legislation. Round-the-clock support from specialists guarantees you adequate legal protection, especially in this turbulent time for every Ukrainian.

Several insurance packages are available to choose from, with a minimum registration period of 30 days. You can choose for yourself the one that will help you feel more confident in the future by following the link (scroll to the right and choose "Legal support").