Production of Ukrainian passports and ID cards has become more expensive in Poland: new prices
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The Polish branches of the Ukrainian state enterprise "Document", which are engaged in the production of foreign documents and Ukrainian ID cards, have changed the cost of services in the direction of higher prices.
New prices
From the first day of operation of the offices in Poland, the company's services cost PLN 335 separately from the cost of the passport or ID card itself. Today, the new price for service services is 370 zlotys, which is 35 zlotys more expensive.
Additional unpleasant news was the increase in the cost of producing documents in some cases. Example:
The cost of urgent production of an ID card to replace the 1994 passport:
• The old price is UAH 498
• New price 742 UAH (+244 UAH)
The cost of urgent production of a foreign passport:
• The old price is UAH 1,085
• New price 1373 UAH (+288 UAH)
Attention! The cost of producing a foreign passport and ID card in standard terms remained unchanged.
Thus, the total cost for the production of documents is:
Foreign biometric passport (urgent):
• UAH 1,373 for administrative services, a form and its personalization;
• PLN 370 for enterprise services.
Foreign biometric passport (not urgent):
• UAH 733 for administrative services, a form and its personalization;
• PLN 370 for enterprise services.
ID card instead of a 1994 model passport (not urgent):
• UAH 372 for administrative services, a form and its personalization;
• PLN 370 for enterprise services.
ID card instead of a 1994 model passport (urgent):
• UAH 742 for administrative services, a form and its personalization;
• PLN 370 for enterprise services
ID card exchange:
• UAH 372 (UAH 742 - urgent) admin service, form and its personalization;
• PLN 370 for enterprise services
Addresses of the offices of SE "Document" for the production of foreign passports and ID cards:
St. Aleje Jerozolimskie 179
(Blue City shopping center, 2nd floor)
+38 (044) 597-87-77
Plac Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego
+38 (044) 597-87-77
St. Cienista 30 (near the shopping center)
+38 (044) 597-87-77
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