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15 Apr. 2022


Is it possible to re-enter Poland without a foreign passport?

For refugees

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Is it possible to re-enter Poland without a foreign passport?

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Many Ukrainians wonder if it is possible to leave and then return to Poland without a foreign passport.

Border guards can still allow you to enter Ukraine without a foreign passport, but you will not be able to return to Poland.

Polish border guards will allow to re-enter without a passport only in very substantiated cases. In practice, this means that in the vast majority of cases, citizens of Ukraine, including children, will not be allowed re enter again without a passport.

If you have an expired passport, you can apply to the Embassy or Consulate of Ukraine in Poland to renew it. Then you can safely leave Poland, enter Ukraine and return, but remember that you can leave for a maximum of 1 month.

If you do not have a foreign passport (there is only a domestic one or no documents at all) and you go to Ukraine, we advise you to apply to the embassy or consulate of Ukraine for a return certificate to Ukraine (issued on the day of application), so that Ukrainian border guards do not make you problems. Read the article on how to get a certificate.

The work of the Migration Service has already been resumed in Ukraine and you can be issued a new biometric passport.

If you do not have any foreign passport (even expired) and you plan to leave Poland not to Ukraine without a foreign passport, and then return to Poland - you will not be allowed back to Poland. The only way out is to return to Ukraine for a new biometric registration or wait until the Ukrainian embassies / consulates in Poland resume issuing new foreign passports.