2 min

Education In Germany, Ukrainian will be taught as a second foreign language in schools: details

In Germany, Ukrainian will be taught as a second foreign language in schools: details

Ukrainian has become the second foreign language in schools in Hesse, Germany. This is an important step in supporting Ukrainian children and promoting Ukrainian culture in Europe. Learn more about educational initiatives and prospects for learning Ukrainian in Germany

27 Aug. 2024

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2 min

War For the first time since the beginning of the war, the russia attacked the Kyiv dam: is there a scenario of complete dam failure

For the first time since the beginning of the war, the russia attacked the Kyiv dam: is there a scenario of complete dam failure

Russia has committed yet another act of terrorism against Ukrainian citizens by striking a dangerous strategic object in the north of Kiev - the Kiev Dam. Find out what the consequences are and whether there is any chance that the dam will collapse in the event of further shelling

26 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Transport Restrictions on off-road vehicles in Ukraine: what is known?

Restrictions on off-road vehicles in Ukraine: what is known?

Recently, it became known that Ukraine plans to introduce certain restrictions on off-road vehicles and ATVs. Find out more about who will be affected by the ban and where restrictions are expected

26 Aug. 2024

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For refugees Pensions abroad: how Ukrainians can receive payments in 2024

Pensions abroad: how Ukrainians can receive payments in 2024

Ukrainians temporarily residing abroad can receive pension payments to a card and by post. Find out what rules apply, how to make an application and what is needed for this purpose

26 Aug. 2024

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3 min

Travel Travelling around Europe: a trip to France from Poland by your own car

Travelling around Europe: a trip to France from Poland by your own car

You need to prepare for every trip by your own vehicle in advance, especially if it is a trip to another country. Find out more about convenient routes from Poland to France, how long the journey will take, the basis of the traffic rules in the country and the top interesting cities in France

26 Aug. 2024

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Travel Traveling with children in Poland: new requirements for documents

Traveling with children in Poland: new requirements for documents

New rules regarding traveling with children have come into force in Poland. Now, when checking into hotels, guesthouses or other accommodation facilities, you may be asked to provide documents confirming the child's identity and relationship with the accompanying adult. Find out more about the requirements

26 Aug. 2024

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Popular How to sell an apartment or other real estate in Ukraine if the owner is abroad?

How to sell an apartment or other real estate in Ukraine if the owner is abroad?

Selling real estate from abroad requires special attention to detail and legal support. Find out how to prepare the documents, draw up a power of attorney, and avoid possible problems during the transaction

26 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Travel Ukraine is beautiful in the autumn: TOP 3 cities that tourists should visit this autumn

Ukraine is beautiful in the autumn: TOP 3 cities that tourists should visit this autumn

When we hear the word ‘autumn’, we immediately think of golden leaves, red and yellow rains in parks, Indian summer, light coolness in the morning and light rain. This creates an unrivalled atmosphere for travelling. Ukrainian cities can satisfy the most demanding needs - festivals for different tastes, extraordinary landscapes, ethnic and foreign holidays in cities, towns and villages. In this article, you will find the top 3 cities worth visiting in Ukraine in this autumn.

26 Aug. 2024

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