1 min

War Strikes on oil depots and battles on the border: what is happening in russia now

Strikes on oil depots and battles on the border: what is happening in russia now

The situation on the territory of russia has significantly escalated in recent days. There have been regular air strikes on the territory of the country, and in the border regions land volunteer formations have engaged in combat with the russian army. Find out how the situation is developing now and why residents of some regions are being urged to evacuate

13 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Travel Relaxation in Transcarpathia: why you should visit the region this spring?

Relaxation in Transcarpathia: why you should visit the region this spring?

Are you looking for a place to relax and unwind? Today, Transcarpathia is considered one of the safest places in the country. It surprises and inspires with its nature and unique cuisine. Learn more about the benefits of vacationing in Transcarpathia in spring

13 Mar. 2024

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Transport From 15.03.24 the price of the Green Card will increase significantly how to save on the purchase?

From 15.03.24 the price of the Green Card will increase significantly how to save on the purchase?

MTIBU is raising tariff rates for Green Card insurance policies for traveling abroad by car. We tell you how the cost will change and how you can save money on buying car insurance

13 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Travel Camera ban: Airbnb announces new privacy policy

Camera ban: Airbnb announces new privacy policy

Airbnb has responded to growing concerns about customer privacy and the possibility of violating their personal space. Learn more about the changes and when they will take effect

12 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Way to Victory Ukraine is building 2000 kilometers of three-lane fortifications: what do they look like?

Ukraine is building 2000 kilometers of three-lane fortifications: what do they look like?

The Ukrainian state is actively working on the construction of fortifications, along 2,000 kilometers, which form three defense lines. These fortifications are deployed in different parts of the country and reflect modern methods. Find out more about these defense lines and why the decision was made to start construction

12 Mar. 2024

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1 min

Transport Train tickets from Ukraine to Austria and Hungary will be available online: when will the sale start?

Train tickets from Ukraine to Austria and Hungary will be available online: when will the sale start?

Ukrzaliznytsya will launch online ticket sales for flights to Austria and Hungary. This service should start working in March. Find out what rules will apply when buying tickets and how these flights will be launched

12 Mar. 2024

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1 min

War The RVC, the Legion Freedom of russian and the Siberian Battalion have broken through the border with russia: what is happening

The RVC, the Legion Freedom of russian and the Siberian Battalion have broken through the border with russia: what is happening

russian volunteer military formations announced a "march to the elections in russia". The fighters have already crossed the border and engaged in combat with the russian army. Find out what is the situation there now and what is the purpose of their operation

12 Mar. 2024

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2 min

Insurance Insurance for Ukrainians abroad: when else can you get compensation besides illness?

Insurance for Ukrainians abroad: when else can you get compensation besides illness?

In today's environment, travel insurance remains very important. It guarantees medical care in another country and has additional benefits. Find out more about the cases in which you can get compensation from the insurance company in addition to illness

12 Mar. 2024

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