1 min

Travel Picturesque villages of the Carpathians: places to relax at the end of August

Picturesque villages of the Carpathians: places to relax at the end of August

The Carpathian Mountains are characterized by extraordinary scenery and interesting landscapes. There are many villages on the peaks and valleys that capture the imagination of tourists and help them to get in touch with the history and culture of the highlanders. Find out about tours that will take you on an unforgettable journey through the villages of the Ukrainian Carpathians

19 Aug. 2024

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Documents Changes in the rules for issuing passports in Ukraine and abroad: new rules from August 19, 2024

Changes in the rules for issuing passports in Ukraine and abroad: new rules from August 19, 2024

Starting from August 19, 2024, Ukrainians will be able to simultaneously apply for domestic and foreign passports under the new rules. Learn about other important changes that simplify the process of obtaining documents for Ukrainian citizens

19 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Travel Festivals and concerts in Europe in 2024: top events to attend

Festivals and concerts in Europe in 2024: top events to attend

This year's great entertainment events are ready to welcome their guests. Find out what festivals, concerts and other exciting events will take place in Europe in 2024

18 Aug. 2024

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1 min

Work Work in Ukraine: in which specialisations there is the greatest competition

Work in Ukraine: in which specialisations there is the greatest competition

Searching for a job is always a responsible and difficult process that requires careful analysis. Find out which vacancies in Ukraine are the most competitive and in which regions job seekers are most likely to apply for professions

18 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Insurance Green Card for a car: how to calculate the price yourself?

Green Card for a car: how to calculate the price yourself?

A Green Card is insurance for travelling abroad by car. This document is not only mandatory, but also useful, as the policy provides reliable protection for every car owner. Find out more about how to calculate the price of insurance on your own and how to quickly purchase a Green Card online

18 Aug. 2024

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Travel TOP 5 places in the Cherkach region on the recommendation of Max Uzol and Olya Manko

TOP 5 places in the Cherkach region on the recommendation of Max Uzol and Olya Manko

Cherkasy region has its own mysterious and extraordinary places. Among the most famous are the White Lotus Buddhist Temple, the tropical alley of Angkor Wat, the hyperboloid Shukhov Tower, and many others. Find out which ones Max Uzol and Olya Manko recommend visiting.

18 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Documents How Ukrainians can get married abroad: step-by-step instructions

How Ukrainians can get married abroad: step-by-step instructions

Marriage abroad for Ukrainian citizens has its own nuances. Find out what documents are required, how to apply, and what to look for to ensure a successful marriage registration outside of Ukraine

18 Aug. 2024

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2 min

War Who is eligible for a deferment from mobilization in 2024: updated rules for obtaining it

Who is eligible for a deferment from mobilization in 2024: updated rules for obtaining it

On July 17, 2024, all the changes of the new law on mobilization finally came into force, which removed the category of “limitedly fit”, excluded some men from those who had previously been allowed a deferral, and introduced some other changes to the mobilization process. Learn more about who will be granted a deferment and on what grounds

18 Aug. 2024

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