3 min

Popular How has the world's attitude towards Ukraine changed in the course of more than a year of war?

How has the world's attitude towards Ukraine changed in the course of more than a year of war?

Unfortunately, before the full-scale invasion, most people in the world knew almost nothing about Ukraine as an independent state, and some even considered it an appendage of russia. Find out how the world's attitude towards Ukraine has changed

21 May. 2023

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1 min

For refugees New financial aid for Ukrainians: how to get UAH 6600 from CARE Ukraine

New financial aid for Ukrainians: how to get UAH 6600 from CARE Ukraine

CARE Ukraine has started accepting applications for financial assistance for IDPs. Find out more about who can receive payments and where to apply for assistance

20 May. 2023

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3 min

War The Ukrainian army's counter-offensive has not yet begun, and russia is already facing its consequences: what is putin afraid of?

The Ukrainian army's counter-offensive has not yet begun, and russia is already facing its consequences: what is putin afraid of?

Drone explosions over the kremlin, a black day for russian aviation, and wagner mercenaries aggressively turning against their own. All these facts are observed in the russian army on the eve of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. Find out more about what other problems the kremlin is facing in anticipation of the Ukrainian attack

20 May. 2023

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1 min

War Star Wars: how Kyiv lives under constant shelling

Star Wars: how Kyiv lives under constant shelling

Recently, rocket attacks on Kyiv and the region have been taking place almost daily. Find out more about how Kyiv residents live during enemy attacks

20 May. 2023

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1 min

Entry rules Travelling to Ukraine: entry rules, safe places, necessary documents, policies and tickets

Travelling to Ukraine: entry rules, safe places, necessary documents, policies and tickets

The picturesque landscapes of Ukraine continue to attract foreign tourists despite the realities of war. Find out more about the rules of entry to Ukraine, interesting places and necessary documents for crossing the border

20 May. 2023

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2 min

Way to Victory Which countries are promoting their own formula for peace for Ukraine?

Which countries are promoting their own formula for peace for Ukraine?

Some world leaders still can't leave aside the topic of peace agreements with a terrorist state. Find out which countries are promoting "peace initiatives" to resolve the conflict, despite Ukraine's position.

20 May. 2023

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3 min

Popular 8 inventions of Ukrainians that are used all over the world

8 inventions of Ukrainians that are used all over the world

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of Ukrainian scientists, as their research has laid the groundwork for the development of certain types of modern electronics and technology. Find out more about the inventions of Ukrainian scientists that have changed the world forever

19 May. 2023

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2 min

War Ukrainian cities completely destroyed by the russian army

Ukrainian cities completely destroyed by the russian army

Today the true face of the "russian peace" is very clear. In more than a year of war, the rf army has inflicted many mutilations on our country. Find out more about which cities the occupiers have mercilessly wiped off the face of the Еarth

19 May. 2023

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