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War How to issue an identity card for Ukrainians deported to russia for return to Ukraine: detailed instructions

How to issue an identity card for Ukrainians deported to russia for return to Ukraine: detailed instructions

Since the beginning of the war, thousands of Ukrainians have been forced to find themselves in enemy territory. Often, citizens of our country are there without documents, which can prevent them from returning to the Motherland. In this regard, deported Ukrainians can issue a document to return to Ukraine. Learn how to do it and what it takes

29 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Work Employment rules in Germany: for which Ukrainians can receive a fine of up to 50,000 euros

Employment rules in Germany: for which Ukrainians can receive a fine of up to 50,000 euros

Most of the refugees from Ukraine who found refuge in Germany are already employed. However, the country strictly controls the labor market and imposes heavy fines on people who work illegally. Learn more about illegal employment and how to avoid fines

29 Jan. 2023

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Cost of living Cost of living in Austria: rent, food, entertainment and medical

Cost of living in Austria: rent, food, entertainment and medical

Austria regularly ranks among the most comfortable countries in the world. In particular, the state attracts tourists and expats with a high standard of living. Find out more about the cost of renting a house, utilities and food prices in the country

29 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Popular Ukrainians will be able to marry or divorce abroad: what is needed for this

Ukrainians will be able to marry or divorce abroad: what is needed for this

Diplomatic institutions of Ukraine located in other countries will now be able to use the State Register of Civil Status Acts. Learn more about what it takes to get married or divorced abroad

28 Jan. 2023

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Finance The only social assistance in Italy (L'Assegno unico): what it is and who can claim benefits

The only social assistance in Italy (L'Assegno unico): what it is and who can claim benefits

The only social assistance is provided for dependent children, as well as for disabled children. However, there are certain limitations. Learn more about who is entitled to receive special assistance and what documents are required for registration

28 Jan. 2023

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For refugees How Ukrainians can extend temporary protection in the Czech Republic with or without a foreign passport: instructions

How Ukrainians can extend temporary protection in the Czech Republic with or without a foreign passport: instructions

Refugees from Ukraine temporarily staying in the Czech Republic had to apply for temporary protection in the country. Currently, its validity period is coming to an end, so the question of extending the document arises. Learn more about how to do it without or with a foreign passport

28 Jan. 2023

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Finance The $1K project: new financial assistance to Ukrainians

The $1K project: new financial assistance to Ukrainians

Ukrainians who, as a result of a full-scale war, were forced to seek shelter around the world can apply for financial assistance from The $1K project in the amount of 1,000 US dollars. Find out how to apply and who is eligible for benefits

27 Jan. 2023

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Transport How to exchange a Ukrainian driver's license for a Polish one: detailed instructions

How to exchange a Ukrainian driver's license for a Polish one: detailed instructions

Ukrainians who plan to stay in Poland without obtaining protection, including after PESEL cancellation, should consider replacing their Ukrainian rights with a European-style driver's license in the country. Learn more about how to do this

27 Jan. 2023

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