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Finance BAföG social assistance in Germany for Ukrainians: rules of receipt and who can count

BAföG social assistance in Germany for Ukrainians: rules of receipt and who can count

Ukrainian students and schoolchildren in Germany can count on Bafög state aid from the country's government. Find out more about how to get support and how much you can expect

04 Feb. 2023

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1 min

For refugees Cash withdrawals without commission and special offers: Polish banks have extended preferential conditions for Ukrainians

Cash withdrawals without commission and special offers: Polish banks have extended preferential conditions for Ukrainians

Poland's largest banks have extended special preferential conditions for citizens of Ukraine. Find out more in which banks in the country offer fee-free account and card services and special offers for refugees

03 Feb. 2023

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War Officials were forbidden to leave Ukraine during the war: rules and exceptions

Officials were forbidden to leave Ukraine during the war: rules and exceptions

The government approved Resolution No. 69 and made changes regarding the travel abroad of people's deputies, deputies of local councils, judges, prosecutors, civil servants and other categories of persons. Learn more about who was banned from leaving the country

03 Feb. 2023

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Documents Apostille for Ukrainians 2023: new rules for certification of documents by apostille

Apostille for Ukrainians 2023: new rules for certification of documents by apostille

Apostille is an international standardized form for filling out information about the legality of a document. In particular, the "Apostille" stamp is applied to originals and copies of documents. Learn more about the current changes in 2023 in apostillation and who needs it

03 Feb. 2023

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Popular Open for Collaboration: Travel Guest Post Publishing, Social Promotion & More

Open for Collaboration: Travel Guest Post Publishing, Social Promotion & More

Visited by 50,000 people every day, Visit Ukraine is ready to cooperate with bloggers, pages, brands and companies. We're always on the hunt for high-quality travel guest posts, written for by tourists, expats and entrepreneurs.

02 Feb. 2023

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Work Work in Italy: how Ukrainians can protect their rights as an employee

Work in Italy: how Ukrainians can protect their rights as an employee

Italy allows refugees from Ukraine official employment. However, as everywhere, in the country you can come across unscrupulous employers. Learn more about how to protect your employee rights and where to go if they are violated

02 Feb. 2023

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For refugees Family 500+: how and when to apply for benefits in 2023

Family 500+: how and when to apply for benefits in 2023

Refugees from Ukraine can receive financial assistance under the Family 500+ program in Poland. Applications will be accepted from February 1. Find out how to apply for payment and the terms of processing

02 Feb. 2023

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Finance Financial assistance for Ukrainian families in Austria: how to get Familienbeihilfe

Financial assistance for Ukrainian families in Austria: how to get Familienbeihilfe

Families with children who are forced to stay on the territory of Austria can count on financial assistance from the state. Learn more about who can receive payments and what documents are required

01 Feb. 2023

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