1 min

Finance Financial assistance to Ukrainians in Croatia: how to get 460 euros

Financial assistance to Ukrainians in Croatia: how to get 460 euros

Refugees from Ukraine who live on the territory of Croatia and have received the status of temporary protection can apply for a one-time cash benefit from the state. Learn more about the amount of payments and how to apply for assistance

05 Jan. 2023

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War Ukraine is planning an offensive in March: Budanov predicts the hottest fighting in the spring

Ukraine is planning an offensive in March: Budanov predicts the hottest fighting in the spring

The war in Ukraine continues and is gaining momentum. The head of the GUR Kyrylo Budanov declares that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning a "serious" counteroffensive in the spring. Learn more about why the fighting on the front line in March will be the "hottest"

05 Jan. 2023

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Popular Temporary protection in Cyprus: how to get, entry rules, social support

Temporary protection in Cyprus: how to get, entry rules, social support

Ukrainians who found refuge in Cyprus can apply for temporary protection and receive the right to residence and employment. Learn more about the conditions for obtaining temporary protection in Cyprus and refugee assistance

04 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Finance How much currency can be imported into Ukraine: rules for importing cash, bank metals and declaration features

How much currency can be imported into Ukraine: rules for importing cash, bank metals and declaration features

When entering Ukraine, individuals may move cash and bankable metals across the customs border. Learn more about the rules for moving currency values across the border of Ukraine

04 Jan. 2023

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2 min

War International Legion: how and why foreigners fight for Ukraine

International Legion: how and why foreigners fight for Ukraine

Thousands of foreigners protect Ukraine and help us fight for the freedom of the state. Learn more about the International Legion and world-famous foreigners who have joined the ranks of the Armed Forces

03 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Popular How to get a permanent residence permit in Turkey: possible options for Ukrainians to stay in the country

How to get a permanent residence permit in Turkey: possible options for Ukrainians to stay in the country

Refugees from Ukraine can stay in Turkey under three statuses: with a tourist or humanitarian residence permit or under international protection. Learn more about how to apply for Ikamet in Turkey and stay after the war

03 Jan. 2023

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1 min

For refugees Airbnb again provides free housing for refugees from Ukraine in Poland: booking conditions

Airbnb again provides free housing for refugees from Ukraine in Poland: booking conditions

Ukrainians can get free housing in Poland using Airbnb. Such an offer will be valid only in the capital of the country and only for those who arrived in the city after the start of a full-scale war. Learn more about how to rent housing and under what conditions

03 Jan. 2023

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Finance Cash assistance in Poland 2023: available programs for Ukrainians and how to get funds

Cash assistance in Poland 2023: available programs for Ukrainians and how to get funds

Ukrainian families have the right to receive cash assistance for adults and children in 2023. Find out in more detail which programs of financial assistance to Ukrainian families are currently available in Poland and how to receive payments

02 Jan. 2023

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