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16 Jan. 2025


What unusual and strange things did smugglers try to smuggle out of Ukraine?

What unusual and strange things did smugglers try to smuggle out of Ukraine?

Ukraine is a country with a rich culture and historical and natural heritage. However, this wealth and uniqueness attract art lovers and smugglers seeking to export valuables abroad illegally. Find out more about unusual items that have been smuggled out of Ukraine

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Smuggling of cultural property and unique items remains a pressing problem in Ukraine. Thieves regularly try to smuggle out ancient icons, coins, jewelry from Kievan Rus, Cossack weapons, and medieval artifacts. Their main motive is the high prices for such items abroad, where private collectors are eager to buy such treasures.

However, there are some truly amazing things among the illegal exports. For example, customs officers have repeatedly stopped attempts to export live wild animals, which is a gross violation of environmental laws.

The law requires mandatory state expertise and permission from the Ministry of Culture for the export of cultural property. Without this, such actions are considered smuggling, which is punishable by 3 to 7 years in prison. Despite the harsh penalties, attempts to export continue, and customs officers regularly prevent the loss of valuables that are part of the historical heritage.

Kyiv Customs tells us about the strangest items smugglers have tried to take abroad in recent years.

In our previous article, we told you that Kyiv's Kontraktova Square is to be reconstructed into a dynamic space.

A firefighter's helmet

Customs officers recently stopped an attempt to smuggle a unique artifact - a firefighter's helmet from the first half of the 20th century. This metal headgear was found in a parcel that was being sent to Scotland. According to the expert opinion, it is a Soviet firefighter's helmet from 1923, preserved in excellent condition thanks to restoration. It has an original helmet liner, which greatly increases its value among collectors.

The helmet was manufactured at the Leningrad Firefighting Equipment Plant between 1936 and 1941. It was used by firefighters throughout the Soviet Union until the early 1960s, although production was discontinued during World War II. Such artifacts are rare and highly valued among collectors, making them attractive for illegal trade.

In the previous article, we talked about the most interesting exhibitions in different cities of Ukraine in January 2025, their dates and locations.

An antique vase

In August 2024, customs officers found a parcel that the sender had labeled as a package of clothes and gifts. However, instead of the usual contents, it contained a ceramic vase that had a distinctly ancient look. The artifact was sent to the National Museum of History of Ukraine for examination. The study showed that it was a unique piece of Trypillia culture created almost 7000 years ago.

Experts dated the vase to the middle of the fifth millennium B.C. Its graceful shape and characteristic ornament of intertwined spirals and lines correspond to the style of ceramics of Trypillian settlements from the Dniester Valley. The vase was reconstructed from several fragments, but despite its modern restoration, it has great cultural and historical value.

Mammoth and sperm whale teeth

In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, customs officers detained a parcel to Qatar, which, according to the documents, was supposed to contain metal products worth $50. Instead, the package contained an unusual find - a mammoth molar tooth with roots. Experts confirmed that it was a rare artifact of great scientific and collectible value.

Another case involved a sperm whale tooth that was to be sent to the United States. The item is protected by the Washington CITES Convention, so its transportation was illegal. Experts have suggested that the tooth came to Ukraine during the whaling days of the Odesa flotilla, which ceased after a moratorium on whaling in 1987. Its appearance is particularly noteworthy: the tooth was polished and painted with a picture of a ship in Sevastopol Bay.

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Real falcons

Shortly before the start of the full-scale invasion, an attempt was made to illegally export four live Red Book falcons from Boryspil airport. The birds were hidden in a sports bag that was checked in as luggage. Customs officers suspected something was wrong and discovered that the falcons were being transported in terrible conditions: they were wrapped in cloth and tape to immobilize them, and even put to sleep.

The passenger who organized the transportation never showed up for the flight, leaving the “live baggage” behind. The rescuers removed the birds, provided them with the necessary assistance, and later successfully released them after rehabilitation.

Fossilized remains of prehistoric creatures

From time to time, customs officers find parcels with fossils that are valuable artifacts of the prehistoric era. Among the most interesting finds are cemented limestone with a whole crab, 10-20 million years old, shells of prehistoric fish about 400 million years old, and other artifacts found in the Dniester basin in Podillia. They tried to send them abroad from Ternopil.

In another parcel, customs officers found a unique specimen - a well-preserved shell of a sea urchin that lived in the time of dinosaurs, approximately 161-165 million years ago. It was probably found near the village of Trakhtemyriv in Cherkasy region.

In May 2022, an attempt was made to illegally export the remains of 52 ammonites and other ancient mollusks declared as aquarium decorations from Zaporizhzhia to Canada. These fossils, 145-149 million years old, are extremely valuable for science and museums, so they were seized in time.

Nazi medals

In 2022, there was an unusual case of importation of dubious cultural property. Customs officers detained a parcel from Italy that contained marshal's batons, orders, and medals of Nazi Germany. Among them were copies of the Third Reich's Olympic medals and the Order of the German Eagle, which was awarded to foreigners for their services to the Reich.

The owner of the parcel was a resident of Kyiv, but he did not receive his souvenirs. Instead, customs officers drew up a violation report, as Nazi symbols are banned in Ukraine.

We remind you! Last year's figures reflect the strength and perseverance of Ukrainians in a difficult time. Find out what records were set by the regions of Ukraine in 2024: from agricultural success and economic achievements to social initiatives and military challenges.

Photo: Kyiv Customs

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gestellte Fragen
Welche Kulturgüter werden am häufigsten geschmuggelt?
Am häufigsten versuchen Schmuggler, antike Ikonen, Münzen, Schmuck aus der Kiewer Rus, Kosakenwaffen und mittelalterliche Artefakte illegal auszuführen. Diese Gegenstände sind auf den internationalen Märkten sehr wertvoll, was sie für den illegalen Handel attraktiv macht.
Welche Art von lebenden Tieren haben die Schmuggler gefangen?
Befinden sich unter dem Schmuggelgut auch prähistorische Artefakte?
Gab es Fälle von Schmuggel von Nazi-Symbolen?
Was unternimmt die Regierung zur Bekämpfung des Schmuggels?

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