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19 Jan. 2023


How to issue a travel card in the Czech Republic: instructions for Ukrainians

For refugees
How to issue a travel card in the Czech Republic: instructions for Ukrainians

To travel by public transport in Prague, you need to buy a ticket. Currently, there are several types of travel tickets in the Czech Republic. Find out where Ukrainians can buy a ticket for public transport in the country

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The Czech Republic has accepted many refugees from Ukraine and continues to provide assistance to those in need. In particular, the country provides special travel allowances for persons who have formalized temporary protection. Currently, there are several types of travel tickets in the Czech Republic. We tell you how and where Ukrainians can buy transport tickets in Prague.

Long-term travel card

For travel in Prague and Central Bohemia, you can purchase a special ticket - "Lítačka". This ticket is valid on trams, buses, suburban trains within the city limits, funicular and metro. Lítačka can be in the form of a plastic card or an application on the phone.

To use this ticket, you need to additionally buy coupons for a month, quarter or year. It is easy to pay them using a bank card directly in the application.

In order to buy such a travel card, you must choose one of the following methods:

• Create a profile in the "PID Lítačka" application, which is available in Ukrainian. During registration, you need to enter an email address, come up with a password and fill out a form with personal data;

• buy a plastic card at the Department of Transport at Škodův palác, Jungmannova 35/29, 110 00 Praha-Nové Město. You must have your passport with you and be prepared to be photographed. A plastic card costs 200 kroner or 100 kroner if you wait 14 days for its production. If the card is lost, it can be restored.

Pay attention! There are no concessionary fares in the application. How to buy a ticket with a discount, read further.

Discount on travel for Ukrainian refugees in Prague

Ukrainians who have temporary protection documents are allowed to use the "Person in need of material assistance 2" preferential travel card. This ticket is valid in Prague (tariff zones P, O, B).

Refugees must first contact the Information Center to be assisted in purchasing a ticket. See the link for the addresses of the centers.

When visiting the center, take the following documents with you:

• Foreign passport with a humanitarian visa or a visa for the purpose of temporary protection;

• a border accompanying document with a humanitarian visa or a visa for the purpose of temporary protection (if the document does not contain a photo, take the passport of a citizen of Ukraine).

Can I buy a paper ticket in Prague?

Such tickets are sold at ticket offices of the Prague Integrated Transport, but not at all stations (list at the link).

In order to receive a paper card, prepare the following documents:

• passport or other identity card;

• a 3.5×4.5 cm photo taken no more than a year ago;

• a visa of tolerance or temporary protection (for the purchase of a concession ticket "Person in need of material assistance 2").

Fares in Prague

Issuing a travel ticket costs 60 Czech crowns, and the discounted travel ticket itself can be purchased for:

• 165 Czech crowns – for 30 days;

• 444 Czech crowns – for 90 days.

Short-term travel tickets

In Prague, you can buy tickets for both 30 minutes of travel and 3 days. This can be done in one of the following ways:

• Through the "PID Lítačka" application. Do not forget to activate the purchased ticket;

• in machines or terminals in trams and subways (the ticket must be validated before entering the platform);

• in information centers and points of sale in the subway;

• in shops and kiosks;

• in the "DoKapsy" application (it is not necessary to activate the ticket);

• via SMS - text 902 06 to buy different types of tickets: DPT31 for 30 minutes, DPT42 for 90 minutes, DPT120 for 24 hours, DPT330 for 72 hours. In addition to the cost of the ticket, you will also pay the cost of sending an SMS message.

Where can I get advice on how to get around in Prague?

Contact the centers at:

• Head office of "Lítačka" - Škodův palác, Jungmannova 35/29, 110 00 Praha-Nové Město;

• Railway stations – Nádraží Smíchov ČD, Masarykovo nádraží ČD, Hlavní nádraží ČD

• Metro stations – Infocentrum Nádraží Veleslavín, Nádraží Holešovice, Můstek (B), Letňany, Kobylisy, Anděl, Na Knížecí bus station.

We will remind you! The Senate of the Czech Republic extended temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine until the end of March 2024, and also changed the amount of financial assistance. Read more about the innovation at the link.

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