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18 Dec. 2023


Changes to the border regime in Ukraine: how to obtain a permit to stay in the border zone?

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Changes to the border regime in Ukraine: how to obtain a permit to stay in the border zone?

From now on, you need to have a special permit from the State Border Guard Service to stay in the border zone. Find out what these changes are about, who can stay in the border zone and how to obtain the appropriate permit from the Border Guard Service

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Take care of insurance for safe entry into Ukraine

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS) reported that on December 7, the government amended the CMU Resolution No. 1147 of July 27, 1998 "On Border Regime" by adopting Resolution No. 1292. As a result, a special regime is now in place in the border area, which provides for certain restrictions and prohibitions, and a special permit from the State Border Guard Service is required to stay in this area.

"A special border regime has been established and free entry, stay, residence, movement of persons and work not related to the defense or protection of the state border within land plots 30-50 meters wide along the state border on land, along the shore of the Ukrainian part of the border river, lake or other body of water is prohibited," the Border Guard Service explained, adding that on the borders with russia and Belarus, the width of this zone reaches 2 kilometers.

Who has the right to stay in the border zone and how to obtain a permit is described in the article below.

Who has the right to stay in the border zone?

The following persons have the right to enter, stay and pass into the border zone without a permit:

1. Persons traveling to the border area to cross the state border through checkpoints.

2. Truck drivers and their accompanying persons entering the border area for the purpose of multimodal transportation.

3. Persons traveling by car on public roads or railways and crossing the border area in transit without stopping or getting out of the vehicle. That is, whose movement begins and ends outside the border area.

4. Persons whose work is related to the protection and defense of the state border.

At the same time, citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons have the right to enter the controlled border area, stay, reside or move within its borders on the basis of their identity documents. And free entry, stay, residence, movement and work in the border zone - a 5 km wide area from the state border line - requires a permit.

How to obtain a permit to stay in the border zone?

You can obtain a permit to stay, move, reside or work within the border zone through the State Border Guard Service. This applies to both individuals and legal entities. Permits for persons under the age of 18 are granted at the request of one of the parents (adoptive parents), guardians, trustees or other legal representatives.

You can obtain a permit in person by applying to the relevant authority, in electronic form, or by mail. The application must be accompanied by copies of identity documents confirming the purpose and duration of stay in the border area, as well as confirmation of the legality of the work.

For Ukrainian citizens: copies of identity documents confirming Ukrainian citizenship, as well as the authority to submit the application.

for foreigners and stateless persons: copies of identity documents confirming the legality of staying on the territory of Ukraine, as well as the authority to submit the application.

for legal entities: copies of documents containing information on the name of the legal entity, location, type and place of work, a list of individuals with their passport data and vehicles to be involved in the work.

for individuals (entrepreneurs): copies of identity documents, confirmation of the purpose and duration of stay, as well as the legality of the work.

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Can I be refused a permit to stay in the border zone?

The State Border Guard Service may refuse to issue a permit or revoke a previously issued permit in the event of the circumstances specified in part 5 of Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine "On the State Border of Ukraine", namely

– in case of submission of deliberately false information or forged documents.

– If a person has been held liable for illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine, illegal transportation of other persons or smuggling across the state border within 1 year prior to the date of submission of the application, as well as for violation of customs rules related to the movement of goods or vehicles outside customs control or concealment from customs control.

–  If a person has no legal grounds for staying in Ukraine or is banned from entering.

– If the person has been absent from the designated place of residence for 90 days or has changed it.

– in case of dismissal from an enterprise, institution or organization of a person who was previously granted a residence permit as an employee.

– in the interests of ensuring: health protection, protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens of Ukraine and other persons residing in Ukraine, national security of Ukraine and public order, fight against crime.

– at the request of the person to whom the permit is granted.

Please note! To leave Ukraine by car, you must have an appropriate insurance policy. Without a Green Card, the car will not be allowed to cross the border, and if it expires abroad, the driver will be fined. You can take out an insurance policy for the required period on the Visit Ukraine website. Until December 31, 2023 (inclusive), our portal has a special offer: you can get fuel as a gift (when you take out a policy for 1 month or more) or 15 additional days of insurance (when you take out insurance for 6+ months).

Visit Ukraine is an organiser of tours around Ukraine. 800 tours. Choose yours on the website.

We remind you! Ukrainians, foreign citizens and stateless persons may freely enter the territory of Ukraine during the war, but subject to certain restrictions. Read all about the current rules for crossing the Ukrainian border and the documents required for this in our previous article.

Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine/Facebook

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