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16 Mar. 2024


What to do in case of an accident in the Czech Republic: guide for drivers

Czech Republic
What to do in case of an accident in the Czech Republic: guide for drivers

Road accidents in the Czech Republic are quite rare, but a correct and consistent algorithm of actions can sometimes not only save your own money, but also save lives. Find out how to act in the event of a road traffic accident for drivers and those who witnessed an accident on the road

Insurance policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Insurance policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

Driving a car always involves a number of risks, as any road user can make a reckless maneuver and cause an accident involving other vehicles. The driver gets even more stressful when he or she gets into an accident abroad, because each country has its own rules and laws regarding the necessary measures and actions in the event of an accident.

So, what to do if you get into an accident in the Czech Republic or witness an accident on the road - we will tell you further in the article.

What to do if you have an accident in the Czech Republic?

If you have been involved in or witnessed an accident on the road in the Czech Republic, follow the following algorithm of actions:

1. Stop the car and turn off the engine, turn on the hazard lights.

2. Check if there are any victims - if necessary, call the rescue service (number - 112) or an ambulance (number - 155)

3. Set up a triangle to warn other road users about the emergency stop, and be sure to wear a signal reflective vest (if the accident occurred on the highway - after setting up the triangle, leave the roadway and go behind the bumpers)

4. If necessary, provide first aid to the victims

5. Take detailed photos or videos of the accident scene from several angles, record all damage

6. Collect personal data of the accident participants and witnesses: Name, phone number, passport details, car registration number, insurance policy number.

Do I need to call the police in case of an accident in the Czech Republic?

According to the current legislation of the Czech Republic, calling the police to the scene of a traffic accident is mandatory if:

– the accident resulted in injuries or deaths;

– the amount of damage caused (to the vehicle or things that were in the vehicle) exceeds 100 thousand Czech crowns;

– one of the parties to the accident refuses to provide identification or has fled the scene of the accident;

– the parties to the accident cannot identify the culprit of the accident or the culprit refuses to take responsibility;

– the accident caused damage to the property of the state or a third party or damage to the environment;

– as a result of the accident, it is impossible to restore free traffic on the roadway (the car is not running and has blocked the road, etc.).

If at least one of these points coincides, you should call the police. In other cases, the parties to the accident can independently fill out the "European Road Traffic Accident Report" form with all the data of the accident participants and the vehicle, a traffic plan/diagram and a photo from the accident scene.

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Applying to an insurance company after an accident in the Czech Republic

First of all, it is worth noting that in the case of the Europrotocol, drivers

– have the right to leave the accident scene;

– are exempted from the obligation to inform the relevant unit of the National Police of Ukraine about the occurrence of an accident abroad;

– are exempt from administrative liability for causing an accident.

However, they are obliged to notify their insurance company no later than three business days from the date of the accident, indicating the data of the participants in the accident and the vehicle, as well as the details of the accident itself. If the Europrotocol is drawn up in electronic form, the notification of the accident is sent to the insurance company automatically.

Car insurance in the Czech Republic

After the start of the full-scale invasion in 2022 and the forced departure of millions of Ukrainians from Ukraine, including to the Czech Republic, the Czech Insurance Bureau provided insurance covering losses in the event of an accident caused by a car with Ukrainian registration, but this service is no longer available. Therefore, first of all, when planning to drive a car with foreign registration in the Czech Republic, the driver must take care of proper insurance, namely, an international insurance policy "Green Card", which is mandatory in 50 countries.

It is strictly forbidden to drive a car in the Czech Republic without insurance and entails considerable fines. Moreover, if a driver without an insurance policy gets into an accident, he or she will have to compensate both the victims and the vehicle at his or her own expense. And as you know, in Europe, the cost of vehicle repairs and treatment will cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of euros.

You can take out an international car insurance policy "Green Card" on the Visit Ukraine portal

We remind you! To drive on toll roads in the Czech Republic, drivers are required to have an electronic road vignette. Read how to get it, how much it costs, which roads in the Czech Republic are tolled, and who is exempt from obtaining this document in our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2023, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

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