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21 Mar. 2024


Registration of a sole proprietorship on a turnkey in Ukraine: legal support for entrepreneurs

For foreigners in UA
Registration of a sole proprietorship on a turnkey in Ukraine: legal support for entrepreneurs

The current legislation of Ukraine allows you to register a sole proprietorship under a simplified procedure online. However, a large number of nuances regarding the choice of NACE and taxation system can cause serious problems. Visit Ukraine lawyers will help entrepreneurs register their business quickly, easily and correctly. Here are the details of the new service

Legal assistance in starting and doing business in Ukraine
Legal assistance in starting and doing business in Ukraine

An individual entrepreneur is currently the simplest organizational and legal form of doing business. After registering as a sole proprietor, a person can engage in entrepreneurial activities and run a small business project. 

At the same time, the registration process requires preparation and knowledge of Ukrainian legislation. First and foremost, a future entrepreneur must determine the NACE, as it is the one that is indicated on the registration application. Choosing a taxation system is also often a difficult and incomprehensible stage for a future entrepreneur, and for good reason, the slightest inaccuracies or mistakes in the preparation and registration of a sole proprietorship can lead to big problems. 

Modern Ukrainian legislation has greatly simplified the process by making it available online, but a novice entrepreneur will still need the help of a qualified specialist to understand all the nuances. And our specialists are ready to provide the necessary assistance at all stages of the process, starting with advice on starting a sole proprietorship and further, including accounting and legal support of the entrepreneur's activities after registration.

We told you everything you need to know in order to open a sole proprietorship in Ukraine on your own earlier.

Why is assistance in starting a sole proprietorship the best solution for your business?

What are the benefits of registering a sole proprietorship with our lawyers:

1. Remote format. This means that you can seek advice from any city and you do not need to go to the office. At the same time, all documents are collected and filled out online. 

2. Control and guarantees. Are you worried about doing everything right so as not to get a refusal or a fine? Our lawyers will provide guarantees and control every step and stage of the sole proprietorship registration.

3. Individual approach and involvement in the process. We will select the optimal taxation system for your business and determine all the NACEs. At the same time, our team of specialists helps both residents of Ukraine and foreigners with registration and business operations.

4. Legal support. Our specialists conduct accounting, legal, financial accounting and support of the sole proprietorship in the future, so you can fully rely on the specialists and not worry about the result.

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How is a sole proprietorship registered with the support of a lawyer?

The process of registering your own business with the support of a VIst Ukraine specialist is as follows:

1. The future entrepreneur needs to inform us about what exactly the sole proprietorship will do and provide personal data for further registration.

2. After receiving all the information, we schedule an hour-long online consultation via video link with a lawyer who will provide legal support for the sole proprietorship registration. We select and agree on the list of NACEs and the taxation system, explain all the nuances of registration and answer questions.  

3. After that, our specialist will prepare all the necessary documents, such as an application for registration, copies of identification documents and other documents required for registration of a sole proprietorship.

4. Next is the actual process of registering a sole proprietorship, during which we provide full information about each step and stages of registration. We will interact with the relevant state authorities to ensure that the sole proprietorship registration process is completed quickly and smoothly.

5. Upon completion of all procedures, we provide a ready-made package of documents for the entrepreneur.

After the successful registration of a sole proprietorship, our lawyers can also provide post-registration support, including advice on further business operations, accounting, taxes and other issues.

You can order a specialist consultation for a turnkey sole proprietorship registration by following the link. You can also order comprehensive legal support from a lawyer, written advice and other services on doing business in Ukraine on our website.

We remind you! The Ukrainian authorities have fixed a plan to increase taxes for sole proprietorships and set a new level of subsistence minimum and wages, which accordingly affected the amount of taxes for sole proprietorships of groups I-III. Read how much individuals now have to pay and what other changes to expect in the near future in our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

If you want to start your own business in Ukraine, you can get advice from my colleagues.
Professionals in the field of business law will help with all the nuances and problems.

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