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13 Jun. 2024


Solar station at home: how expedient is it, how to get a loan, necessary documents and cost

Solar station at home: how expedient is it, how to get a loan, necessary documents and cost

Installing a solar power plant will ensure energy independence, reduce electricity costs, and provide backup power in case of outages. Learn more about prices, types of stations and other important details

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Due to problems with the electricity supply, many citizens are looking for ways to prepare for power outages and reduce electricity bills after tariffs are raised.

One of the solutions is to have their own solar power plants, which have already become commonplace for private homes. 

Autonomous solar power plants with batteries can provide uninterrupted power even during long blackouts. But is it possible to install solar panels for apartment dwellers? Let's find out further in the article.

Solar panels on the balcony

Residents of apartments have limited opportunities to install solar panels, as a large area is required to generate the required power. For example, a 10 kW station requires about 50 square meters (5 m by 10 m).

However, even a small station of several panels can meet the minimum needs of an apartment, epravda reports.

The size of PV modules depends on the power. For example, 400 W panels have a size of 1.7 m by 1.1 m, and 600 W panels - 2.1 m by 1.3 m.

In particular, a home solar power plant consists of panels, an inverter (the most expensive element), automation, fasteners, and cables. The panels are usually installed on the south side of the house to make them work efficiently. The place should be unshaded.

For limited balcony space, it is better to choose panels with high efficiency (the percentage of sunlight conversion into electricity). Modern monocrystalline panels have an efficiency of up to 23%, polycrystalline panels - up to 18%.

When installing, it is important to consider the angle of the panels to the sun. The ideal option is a rotating platform, but it significantly increases the cost of the project. Therefore, a static structure with an optimal angle of 35-40 degrees is chosen for mini-stations.

Residents of apartments can also install panels on the walls of high-rise buildings or on the roofs, but this requires the consent of other residents.

Combining panels with charging stations

Another option to ensure uninterrupted power supply during long power outages is to combine solar panels with charging stations.

Solar panels can be connected to charging stations, such as EcoFlow, using a special cable. There are ready-made portable systems with solar panels that are easy to turn on. The disadvantage of such systems is their low power and low level of electricity generation.

The average power of portable solar panels ranges from several tens to several hundred watts. In summer, this is enough to charge gadgets and power banks.

What are the prices for the equipment?

The cost of a small solar power plant depends on its capacity. For example, equipment with a capacity of 100 W costs 10-15 thousand UAH. A 10 kW station, including materials and installation, costs about 250 thousand UAH. Stationary SPPs located on the balcony can provide more power than portable charging stations.

The cost of a mini-station based on a portable charging station, which will meet the minimum needs of a family with gas heating in winter, is about 100 thousand UAH. A small solar power plant with a turnkey inverter costs about $5,000.

It is worth noting that most houses have enough power from 5 to 15 kW.

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How to choose a solar power plant? 

A solar power plant consists of photovoltaic modules, an inverter, and switching equipment. Photovoltaic modules convert sunlight into direct current, which inverters transform into alternating current for use in household networks. Additionally, there may be a battery that stores electricity for later use.

Types of solar power plants

Uninterruptible power supply system for the home:

- Used to provide electricity during short-term outages.

- It consists of a solar panel, an inverter, and batteries.

On-grid solar station:

- Excess electricity can be sold to the grid.

- Does not work during power outages.

Hybrid solar station:

- Works in parallel with the general grid.

- Has a backup battery for energy storage.

- Saves electricity costs during daylight hours.

Autonomous solar system:

- Provides electricity in case of unstable power supply from the grid.

- Requires expensive solar panels and high-capacity batteries.

Solar panel performance

- Performance (efficiency): Determines how well the panel produces electricity.

- Nominal power, voltage, current ratings.

- Operating temperature coefficients.

It is known that the state promises to help Ukrainians purchase and install solar panels by providing subsidies and interest-free loans, but there are several important conditions.

In particular, on June 7, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to provide financial assistance to Ukrainians who want to install such equipment at home. This was reported by focus.ua.

According to a report on the Government Portal, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a procedure for providing financial support to individuals for the installation of alternative energy generating units in their households. The document has not yet been made public, but it is possible to assume how this procedure will work based on statements by officials.

Loan conditions

It has been officially announced that the amount of compensation for costs will be UAH 244,000, and a loan can be obtained for up to UAH 480,000 for a period of 5 years at a 0% interest rate. This assistance is available to those who wish to install solar power plants (photovoltaic modules) or wind generators at home. 

The installations must have a capacity of 1 kW to 10 kW, be equipped with hybrid inverters capable of operating both in autonomous mode and synchronously with the external grid, and batteries with a capacity of 1 kWh for every 1 kW of generator power. The preferential terms do not apply to power plants designed to generate electricity at a "green" tariff.

For small and medium-sized businesses, preferential loans from the state for alternative energy sources at 5-9% are available. The programs provide for the purchase and installation of any equipment for generating or storing electricity. The National Bank will recommend to banks that the interest on such loans should not exceed the discount rate of 13.5%.

Where to get a loan?

At least three institutions that have their own programs provide loans for solar power plants for individuals and legal entities: "Oschadbank, PrivatBank, Ukrgasbank, and Ukreximbank. Perhaps, when the new program of the Cabinet of Ministers comes into effect, they will offer money on more favorable terms, up to a 0% rate. It is important to clarify with the bank what exactly is subject to lending: only the purchase of equipment or the entire project, including the development of project documentation and installation work. As a rule, lenders require purchased equipment and materials as collateral.

Documents required to obtain a loan for solar power plants

To obtain a loan, you need:

- Passport of a citizen of Ukraine (an ID card is acceptable);

- Certificate of identification number (TIN) assignment;

- A document on income and withholdings for the last 6 months;

- Invoice or contract for the purchase and installation of equipment;

- Other documents requested by the bank.

Who can install solar power plants in Ukraine?

The Cabinet of Ministers encourages the installation of solar power plants by both individuals and legal entities. Starting from July 1, 2023, no permit is required to install solar panels with a capacity of up to 30 kW in Ukraine, and preferential "zero" loans for households are issued for the purchase of equipment with a capacity of 1-10 kW.

Requirements and permits

Ukrainians must contact their electricity supplier and obtain a technical opinion on the possibility of connecting hybrid or grid-tied solar power plants to the general grid. Permits are also required for the construction of buildings, mounting structures, and other components if they are needed to create the solar power plant infrastructure.

Some cities in Ukraine do not allow the installation of solar power plants on the roofs of historic buildings.

When choosing a solar power plant, it is important to consider the type of system, efficiency and capacity of the panels, the cost of equipment, and additional installation costs. It's always a good idea to contact specialists who can help with the design, installation, and obtaining all the necessary permits. 

In general, the decision to install a solar power plant should be made based on individual needs, conditions, and financial capabilities.

We remind you! 
In the context of a full-scale invasion, the Ukrainian economy suffers unprecedented losses almost every day. Read more about which industries have paid the most taxes in the first 4 months of this year, as well as where the largest increase in payments has occurred compared to April last year.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Darya Rogova is the head of the Visit Ukraine insurance department

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