2 min

Travel Summer camps for children in 2024: where to send your child to relax?

Summer camps for children in 2024: where to send your child to relax?

The popularity of children's camps is growing every year. Besides, staying at a summer camp can be one of the best ideas, as it is here that children develop communication skills, responsibility and step into the world of independent living. Find out more about summer camps for children in 2024 and where to send your child for a vacation

04 May. 2024

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1 min

War Ukrainian military to receive additional payments: how much and for what?

Ukrainian military to receive additional payments: how much and for what?

The military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can now count on additional allowances that were previously established by the government. Find out when the money will be paid and how it will be calculated

03 May. 2024

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Popular In May, russia is preparing a three-layered plan to destabilise Ukraine: what is it all about?

In May, russia is preparing a three-layered plan to destabilise Ukraine: what is it all about?

Ukrainian intelligence has learned about the russians' plan to destabilise Ukraine. The enemy plans to influence the situation by using three different directions. Find out what exactly russia is targeting and what other plans russia's intelligence agency knows about

03 May. 2024

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For refugees More benefit cuts: Ireland will reduce aid for Ukrainians

More benefit cuts: Ireland will reduce aid for Ukrainians

Ireland plans to reduce social benefits for Ukrainians again, which may significantly affect their financial situation. Find out more about the amounts to be paid

03 May. 2024

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Events Where to go on weekends from Kyiv? Top 8 places to relax with children

Where to go on weekends from Kyiv? Top 8 places to relax with children

Vacationing with the whole family is the best way for children to learn about the world, and also a good way for parents to get away from the daily routine. This year's spring brings us warm sunshine and good weather, so going for a weekend or a short vacation outside the city is a great idea. Find out about the most interesting places of Kyiv region for family vacations

03 May. 2024

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Popular The first recruitment center of the Ukrainian army was opened in Kyiv: address, contacts and available services

The first recruitment center of the Ukrainian army was opened in Kyiv: address, contacts and available services

Recruiting centers are opening in Ukraine almost every day, and the first one has recently started operating in the capital. Here is the location of the Kyiv recruiting center and what services it provides

03 May. 2024

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2 min

Education How to enroll a child in school in Poland in 2024?

How to enroll a child in school in Poland in 2024?

From September 2024, all Ukrainian children living in Poland will have to go to local educational institutions. The relevant order is being worked out by the country's government. We will tell you about the necessary documents and procedures that need to be done in order to enroll a Ukrainian child in a Polish school

03 May. 2024

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2 min

For foreigners in UA D-14 spouse visa for entry to Ukraine: who can apply and how to do it?

D-14 spouse visa for entry to Ukraine: who can apply and how to do it?

A spouse visa, or a visa issued on the basis of marriage, can be applied for by the spouse of a Ukrainian citizen who intends to reunite with his or her family and reside in Ukraine. Learn more about the procedure for obtaining a D-14 visa and what documents are required

03 May. 2024

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